Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the US , mortgage-backed securities apart , credit card securitisation represents arguably the most important segment of the asset-backed securities market .
2 He also became arguably the most famous exponent of the instrument , along with Eric Haydock of The Hollies .
3 Apart from indicating status , each church represents perhaps the most important local focal place for any settlement , and we might spend a lot of time studying it in our local research .
4 Moreover the devices seem to perform better the more they are miniaturised .
5 So she did , sparing only the most intimate details .
6 ‘ They have got rid of the Christian God , and now feel obliged to cling all the more firmly to Christian morality : that is english consistency , let us not blame it on little blue-stockings à la Eliot .
7 This , however , is an over-simplified view as the current phase of uplift and volcanicity represents only the most recent episode in a complex history stretching back to the Mesozoic ; moreover , the history of this vast mountain system differs greatly from one part to another .
8 But the deliberate use of McCarthyism by the leaders of the Republican Party as a weapon against the Democrats offers perhaps the most convincing explanation of its success .
9 Around Newbury from one to three lives was the rule , while at Faringdon tenure was hereditary , reflecting perhaps the mainly pastoral economy of the district .
10 These lay down the marvellously patterned and polished surface characteristic of cowries .
11 There is obvious merit in good insulation , using only the most efficient kitchen appliances , heating systems and such .
13 Many companies , using only the most casual euphemisms , offer these services , so we spent a day on the phone talking to detective agencies listed in Yellow Pages , asking them what they had to offer .
14 Passed down to master distillers through the centuries , it is this recipe and the insistence on using only the very best natural ingredients that sets Gordon 's Gin apart .
15 His wide experience , combined with great technical and organizing abilities , enabled him to achieve improved efficiency in the railway workshops , which became all the more necessary when during the war tank , gun , and aircraft production and repair were added to their activities .
16 Because the hospice is extending its service to include a day hospice costs are set to increase dramatically and the donations from groups and individuals became all the more valuable .
17 The group seems to have been given only the most broad and general of aims .
18 The result was a stunning , white lace dress — an impressive feat made all the more amazing by the fact that Sherine was only eight years old !
19 But as around 1,000 mourners shivered through a ceremony made all the more moving by its simplicity and brevity , there was little bitterness evident — only bewilderment .
20 But the very fact that the French were the most intransigent as regards releasing Germany from the cruelties of the Versailles treaty made all the more imperative the need to bring to the gathering at Darlington Hall at least one French gentleman with unambiguous influence over his country 's foreign policy .
21 Food served at the Beach Terrace Bar and Restaurant is excellent and made all the more enjoyable by our visitors at breakfast .
22 The two main actors create a reflective , needy relationship together made all the more poignant by the airman 's total lack of English and Jones 's zilch German so that they communicate haltingly and stiltedly , mirroring the route of their hesitant trust .
23 A very fine light green velvet — almost eau-de-Nil — was seen on a child 's coffin in the vaults at St Paul 's , Shadwell , and made all the more attractive with its gilt furniture .
24 The wall is not as steep as it looks and a pleasing sequence of stretches and foot-changes , made all the more enjoyable by more excellent protection , leads to a stopping place just short of the arête .
25 Easter Monday saw both Leaders Of The New School and the Pete Rock & CL Smooth partnership playing debut UK gigs at different London venues , a situation made all the more frustrating when they 're on the same label .
26 However , its calculatedly oblique and enigmatic avoiding of a direct statement — a withholding made all the more tantalizing in that it includes no less than eighteen declarative verb forms — could have a remarkably powerful effect if we imagine it being read by the person whose unnatural behaviour it describes .
27 Housework is defended as ‘ real ’ and ‘ hard ’ work , a defence made all the more necessary because of the low status and value conventionally accorded to it .
28 Thus marriage in his eyes was primarily the discharge of an obligation to his family and the nation , a task made all the more difficult by the immutable nature of the contract .
29 Faustina looked up from her saucer , her dark face made all the more reproachful by its beard of milk .
30 ‘ The financing of small , growth businesses has always been an important national issue , made all the more important by the effects of economic recession , ’ said .
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