Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] go the " in BNC.

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1 Or so I thought , until I read this week that Prince Charles , who was held up to my by that selfsame grandmother as a paragon , has apparently gone the way of the rest of our post-war generation .
2 Then , in the 1950s and 1960s , it became highly controversial ; it has now gone the way of all controversial terms — it is too highly charged to be useful .
3 If she had been a man she would not have had to drive round , she would have simply gone the wrong way and got there sooner .
4 This was a bar that er went under the bomb like that when they fastened them up , and then when they dropped the bombs this bar was in a clip , like where me finger is , i in a clip so when they released them it dropped out of this clip the bar went as well of course , down that went down went the bomb drop bars with it used to be make them day and night and things like that and er of course there was er Bloxwich Lock and Stamping we used to do odd stamping , odd forgings and things li and er that was other part of the war work .
5 Well I think we 'll just go back go the Manor ground and have a quick word with Nick Harris .
6 Maybe fire is the opposite principle to light , and comes to the use of those who do not go the way of light .
7 ‘ I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
8 But Steen did n't go the full seven years . ’
9 Now you 've , your material did n't go the other way on that these chairs did they , before you
10 they came look , they came this way , they did n't go , they did n't go the long way round , I believe ya , they came this way up here
11 Just make sure you do n't go the same way as the champagne bottle ; broken limbs at two o'clock in the morning I do n't need . ’
12 By the mid-80s they had all gone the way of the buffalo : extinct save for preservation in the national park of permanent re-runs .
13 Those who run the game in Britain will hope fervently that the Cardiff solicitor 's daughter does not go the same way .
14 Jessica had deliberately gone the other way — she wore old jeans and a denim shirt and scuffed brown flatties .
15 These makeshifts are now attracting the serious collectors who once paid huge sums for classics that have now gone the way of brown polyester suits .
16 We have n't go the space here to thank everybody individually but do feel Lynn deserves a special mention for the comprehensive weaning article in this issue .
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