Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] what [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 More and more I do n't bother — she does n't know and there 's usually no-one else to see so what difference does it make ?
2 While I am happy to pass on what knowledge I have , I am always ready to listen to someone who knows more than me .
3 I do n't know just what kind of monster you imagine I am , but having my wicked way with a girl in your state of health is not precisely my style . ’
4 I dreaded to discover just what symptom of drug dependency I was witnessing , and wondered if I should shout for the big Jackson Chatterton to come and rescue me , but then Rickie turned his terrified gaze on to me .
5 Although it is not easy to establish exactly what proportion of total local spending goes to specific areas of the cities , where efforts were made , the inner-urban areas do not appear to have done particularly well .
6 It is important to establish exactly what degree of dissonance we want in our music , and how frequently it should occur — in other words to ensure that the harmonic style and atmosphere are consistent .
7 If we turn the clock back to the beginning of the desktop publishing marketplace in order to trace its development and evolution we first need to establish exactly what desktop publishing was conceived as being in the first place .
8 Those two along the corridor will then know exactly what kind of a father they have , and about the slut you keep on the side under cover of the club nights .
9 I would therefore be grateful if you could let me know exactly what procedure is adopted to ‘ take account of environmental considerations ’ when decisions are taken and how , on the basis of the information which is consequently available , the balance is struck between development and the environment ?
10 He did not know exactly what school was .
11 She could n't quite locate the nature of that terror , she did n't know exactly what evil it was that would occur , but she felt it tangibly .
12 Ms Pallis could not name the other party or say exactly what kind of development was proposed .
13 One needs a Porter-style analysis to discover exactly what type of investment and competitive strategy is needed to achieve or maintain market share or competitive position ; one can not just assume that any type of investment in capacity in areas of high market share will lead to future success .
14 It would be interesting to know exactly what preparation Mr Brunner ingested .
15 We need to know exactly what damage a product is doing to the environment — from the mining of its raw materials to the end of its life .
16 With the increasing scale of international competition , it will become vital to know exactly what product costs are where price is an important order-winning criterion .
17 As well as assesing how much is retained , tests will be designed to assess what kind knowledge drops out what kind is retained , and how knowledge structures change over time .
18 Colin Shawyer of the Hawk and Owl Trust will explain how to dissect owl pellets to find out what barn owls eat — and how they manage to survive in the modern world .
19 During the remainder of 1990 you may well decide to find out what life has to offer elsewhere .
20 The years go by and the Collector undoubtedly felt , as many of us feel , that one uses up so many options , so much energy , simply in trying to find out what life is all about .
21 In each of these cases their task is to find out what life on Earth in the present day is really like .
22 While this obviously placed great limitations on the evidence available to social anthropologists it also spared them.the problems of trying to find out what help they could get from documentary sources .
23 He rightly argues that the best way to find out what part of the brain does is to start out with very general questions about the sorts of thing it might do and then work through to more specific questions .
24 Yeah , he would be able to find out what type of union this is , or whether it 's some establishment association , we try quite frankly , I , I , I think it is .
25 This was my first opportunity to find out what progress you ‘ d made . ’
26 and proposals and I 'd like to start with a vote just to find out what kind of hundred this is , do you have a driving licence ? , button one for yes and button two for no seventy two of this hundred have a driving licence which I think is some way above the National average , let me ask you do you have the use of a car or other vehicle whenever you want it ? , button one for yes and button two for no and of seventy two er licence holders , sixty three have the use of a car which again I think is some way over the National average , now what cars do you have ? , now let see what people are driving here there
27 An assessment will be carried out by someone who will try to find out what kind of needs you have and what services would best meet those needs .
28 The cleaner upstairs , she asked me to find out what kind of cakes everybody liked cos she 's buying every single person an individual , like you know , a single cake for everybody .
29 The market research survey to find out what brand of toothpaste housewives prefer is not likely to be based on very much sociological theory .
30 Paul Giller and Helena Twomey , of the Department of Zoology at University College , Cork , have been awarded a grant by the British Ecological Society to try to find out what damage this water-based equivalent of a hurricane can do , and how quickly river life returns to normal .
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