Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And then he got on to explain what the items were , seventy five percent of the items went next day , and ninety thousand went , I 'm sorry , and er , and twenty five percent went two day , three day , and if you divide one into the other , what it means is that two point one consignments two me , sorry , two point one items per consignment went Express , and six items per consignment , general .
2 A tenancy remains a tenancy even though the landlord may choose to require each of two joint tenants to agree expressly to pay one half of the rent .
3 ‘ We have no room for everything an' I thought the place would look brighter if the missus 'ad somewhere to put her buckets an' brooms . ’
4 Dr Wyn had told his friends that Lydia could be relied on to say something awful , or to sink , senseless , under the table .
5 The EC is far from sure that the Greeks can be relied on to get their financial house in order .
6 Joe had employed Benny when he was buying and selling in the East End of London and found the elderly man to be a conscientious worker who could be relied on to keep his mouth shut .
7 ‘ Let's make somewhere to leave them . ’
8 The Chelonians , inspired by the signs of the F61 's imminent departure , were struggling furiously to free themselves .
9 Drucker ( 1985 ) , in writing about innovation , poses the question , ‘ How can managers expect to plan for — or count upon — a process that is itself so dependent on creativity , inspiration , and old-fashioned luck ? ’ and then goes on to answer it by saying ‘ There are , of course , innovations that spring from a flash of genius .
10 but he then goes on to ignore it .
11 Roseline Bacou 's introduction to the Louvre catalogue points out that the collection there includes more than 500 of Pouncey 's attributions , and goes on to analyse his ‘ supreme art ’ as a connoisseur .
12 ‘ It does n't matter , ’ he replies and goes on to ask her to take care of two suitcases full of Austrian shoes he has brought with him with the intention of selling on the black market .
13 Having set out his stall , Lord Devlin goes on to ask himself three questions , the answers to which , he suggests , will provide the evidence to back up his earlier assertion .
14 In the first of these Leapor warns beaux to beware of Cloe 's eyes which wound , and she goes on to describe her friend 's musical skill :
15 He goes on to describe his Ananas ( pineapple ) in fine fruit , coffee berries colouring , guajavas about the blossom , ‘ in short all my Exotics are in a mighty prosperous thriving condition in the Stoves as well as the Greenhouse ’ .
16 Erm and he goes on to describe it as something more near .
17 ( Letter goes on to let itself down rather through derogatory references to ‘ shell-suits ’ and ‘ Northern bastards ’ )
18 But the publicly alleged reasons were as follows … ’ and Thucydides goes on to give them : quarrels between Athens and Corinth over Corcyra and Potidaia .
19 ‘ England , of course , and the southeast , ’ and it goes on to give you the dates , the times , the places and contacts and so forth .
20 The Committee 's 23rd report refers to the failure of the experiment of accepting the services of a young Dutchman , Mr Vincent van Gogh , and goes on to cite his spirit of self-sacrifice , his admirable qualities in aiding the sick and wounded , and his devotion , ‘ of which he gave many proofs ’ .
21 The SPRU report then goes on to contradict itself in stating ‘ that [ peer review ] can not provide adequate support for newly emerging areas of science ’ ( ibid. p. 4 ) , because of the entrenchment of particular interest-groups in decision-making bodies , such as the Research Councils .
22 When he goes on to justify his high estimate of the poem , Bunting specifies :
23 Nevertheless , he goes on to justify his pursuit of the contradiction by claiming that the instruments provided by literary theory may be refined and transformed through their application to particular texts .
24 The code goes on to outline what is required of a registered practitioner in the exercise of ‘ professional accountability ’ .
25 Brenda goes on to recount what happened after she rebuffed the boy in question .
26 Rick points out that the Manson features a compound radius fingerboard , and goes on to say what an excellent idea this is and that it is a pity that only custom builders are able to implement this feature properly .
27 Mr goes on to say what is wrong with what 's been done so far .
28 He goes on to say he 's ‘ curious to know whether it is open to a wider and perhaps more aggressive audience with access to fax machines ’ .
29 Mr Morton goes on to say it was the Queen who persuaded her not to try to end her marriage and to accompany her husband on their official visit to South Korea .
30 ‘ Well … maybe one , ’ and he goes on to tell me that in 1967 he once served the Singing Postman ( whose career was then in its ascendance , as a result of his seminal work ‘ Av yew got a light , boy ? ’ ) with a vodka and orange juice as he returned from a triumphant evening at the Ipswich Folk Club .
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