Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The PROFITBOSS pro-acts his way to profit rather than reacting to potential loss .
2 It aims to elaborate and refine rather than overturn ; it is evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
3 The problem was that the premises of his own theory required the answer to this question to remain always in abeyance , while his text enacts rather than resolves the equivocality of the choice which it sets up .
4 ‘ I derive my enjoyment of food from its colour , texture and the combination on the plate when I eat ; so these are the things that I concentrate on when cooking for customers , ’ she explains .
5 But if you can not afford to leave , might it not be better to put up with the treatment that you have received rather than becoming unemployed ?
6 It is impregnated with glue , and fabric can be ironed on when dampened .
7 But he knew from experience it was often best with Blanche simply to answer a question she asked rather than seek to question why she posed it .
8 Without such funding the best way to process general language is to acquire rather than develop a parser ( Patten , 1992 ) .
9 This inherent uncertainty , coupled with the possibility of fines and private actions , could risk inhibiting rather than promoting competition .
10 Most of the torpedoes were built from fibreglass and cardboard tubing and weighted to fall properly when dropped .
11 The divisions are certainly latent , but the very manner in which , especially since President Muawad 's assassination , Syria has been trying to enforce the peace plan — with such haste , threats and bluster — tends to blunt rather than sharpen them .
12 But sell rather than build .
13 After he had released the ropes , the huge crowd watched as Simon began to ascend rather than descend the pole .
14 ’ — A response which would damage rather than increase the influence of the Merkuts in the Khanate , ’ Alexei observed .
15 It was significant that Tsongas decided to suspend rather than terminate his campaign , as it underlined the doubts which remained concerning Clinton .
16 Either it is an instance of a proof by reductio ad absurdum , in which we assume something true in order to prove it false ; or it is a way of exposing a paradox within the concept of knowledge , for the sceptic can surely insist that if a central concept such as that of knowledge can be used to take us validly from true premises to a false or impossible conclusion , something is wrong with the concept ; there is probably some internal tension which should be exposed rather than swept under the carpet .
17 ‘ It may be that those involved in the sale of gilt options did not realise that they actually increased the risk to which the council was exposed rather than reducing it . ’
18 Formative evaluation ( to use the current jargon ) , is so obviously more important than summative , since you need to modify things as they develop rather than wring your hands over them when they have failed .
19 So how do you just I mean rather than do it in your head , especially in an exam , just what you 're going to do , put the Add X to both sides say .
20 I mean rather than do all the photocopying or whatever .
21 Some others , though , among them the winner in Paris in two Sundays ' time , will be mysteriously gathering rather than losing strength .
22 Instead of quitting the music business she should have learned to use it for singing rather than mouthing off at every opportunity .
23 The realisation that the transition from exclusion to inclusion is a slow manoeuvre and that community care evolves rather than happens became clear soon after Elizabeth and Helen arrived at their new home .
24 She was one of the first narrowboats to be welded rather than riveted , but was built with an elm bottom .
25 ‘ I should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen in their elegant but confined houses , ’ Charlotte Bronte writes in 1848 , reporting the sensations of a reader rather than commenting upon description , for Jane Austen 's contexts are , like Richardson 's , still sensed rather than seen .
26 If they receive much less description in fiction , it is because they are sensed rather than seen .
27 The order for discovery is often the point of no return for the plaintiff in a libel action : it is the stage at which some prefer to discontinue rather than to open their files .
28 This method also prevents selection of the incorrect morphemic roots of the word ( preached is found as a derivative of preach rather than ache ) since the selection of the correct root form can be made with certainty at development time with the aid of dictionaries .
29 As Cooper implied , a tutor-organiser 's success in encouraging rather than destroying the voluntary movement is largely , matter of degree — of knowing how much to do to advance the WEA here and there , while leaving as much as possible to the voluntary members .
30 As the Shipping Federation got into gear in supplying " free labour " , the emphasis quickly changed to encouraging rather than discouraging foreign seamen recruitment and entrance fees were reduced .
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