Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 If , however , top-selling weekly music papers are more your cup of tea , then this well-worn proverb goes right out of the window .
2 The Warlords had already marched right out of the arena .
3 The members who got most out of it , and were most appreciated by the Boards , were those who saw their role as a symbiotic mixture of representing consumer complaints to managers and presenting a favourable public relations image for the Board .
4 And so , without a pardon or any monetary compensation for ten years of wrongful imprisonment , Cooper and McMahon were shuffled discreetly out of prison to rejoin society , branded for the rest of their lives as convicted murderers .
5 Then he kicked his horse forward and led on out of the yard .
6 They waited for some long-legged creature to come stepping delicately out of the trees .
7 A plainclothes policeman got leisurely out of the panda car and walked across the road to them .
8 She got wearily out of the car and tramped across the car park to the reception lobby , where she asked the receptionist with peroxided hair if she could phone the AA .
9 A diver had found it out at sea trapped beneath the underground storage container from a petrol station , the container having been ripped right out of the ground .
10 He came shambling shyly out of his room , his black face almost coy in the embarrassing anticipation of being thanked .
11 He felt depressed despite the weather and he blamed the little seaside town , where life in the winter seemed to go on out of habit .
12 I got slowly out of bed .
13 … which soon flies right out of the window ! . 40%
14 Now we can only get Lux made locally out of God only knows what . ’
15 Others even claim that the present knowledge of man and his mind is nil and that real culture will arise only out of the knowledge of the sequence of human DNA .
16 er it got terribly out of hand in the 19th century ; people throwing eggs from the top of the tower , the choristers and the people from the town blowing trumpets and all sorts of things , really riotous. er so it was reformed in 1844 er no more rotten eggs then and we do it very much as then ; facing the rising sun which was beautiful
17 Several weeks ago Victor came crashing down out of a tree and on to his back .
18 Things got so out of hand that at one stage the entire Taiwan team walked off the pitch after flanker Tse Zen-chieh was felled by a punch from Hong Kong prop Dave Lewis .
19 And it 's unlikely that Chas 's grandfather got much out of the British Empire beyond , in all probability , two or three years spent serving as a soldier in India , two or three years off the dole queue .
20 They were not all preplanned ; some of the later activities developed naturally out of those that came earlier .
21 Is not it a disgrace , however , that the concierge service has been developed entirely out of Glasgow district council resources and that no money for it has come from the Scottish Office ?
22 Our confidence thus bolstered , we were now stepping eagerly out of the tent bound for Ancohuma .
23 And for those who remembered the millions that were bid for Van Gogh 's ‘ Sunflowers ’ , there 's a telling reproduction of the picture , made entirely out of coins .
24 ‘ He never made much out of them before , ’ said Desmond , sceptically , but with hope .
25 In addition to this intensive work on his especial subjects , and those , like the study of modern Greek , of which he knew the language and traditions very well , and which arose naturally out of his other activities , Tozer had an abiding love for Dante , and published both an elegant three-volume commentary on the Divina Commedia ( 1901 ) and a prose translation of the poem ( 1904 ) .
26 Our piloting suggests that there is very little information here which could not be filled in out of the heads of appropriate teachers on these courses , so filling in the questionnaire should not cost a great deal of time for each person .
27 About now , the first Hooray of spring can be seen stepping gingerly out of The Admiral Codrington and standing with his G 'n' T in the middle of the road .
28 There was a thick concrete wall which we were all going to hide behind and we had our helmets on in case any car parts came raining down out of the sky .
29 He glances uneasily out of the window " ( p. 44 ) , but it is also a noteworthy example of his conversational meandering .
30 The bottom 's dropped right out of the market . ’
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