Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 Those advocating embalming lose little love for doctors who ask relations for permission to do a post-mortem examination and get it .
2 The area that offers most promise for chemical theory is in the understanding of reaction mechanisms .
3 Plans to build a ‘ flying village ’ of apartments complete with hangars at Amougies Airfield in Belgium ( Pilot Notes , January 1992 ) appear to have received enough support for the developer to get started on the construction .
4 A characteristic punk head by Tony Bevan ( lot 83 ) made £4,200 ( $6,300 ; est. £3,000–4,000 ) while a rather low-key landscape by John Keane ( lot 85 ) sold below estimate for £2,000 ( $3,000 ) .
5 But Ralph neither wanted nor expected much praise for what he did — he did it mainly because he wanted to prevent other children from experiencing the pain which he himself had felt , and , in the back of his mind , he knew Piggy would have approved .
6 Industry critics further point out that the EIUG 's worries last year about sharp price increases did n't materialise , and such international price comparisons as there are provide little support for its case .
7 Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis .
8 For instance , whilst a person may be concerned about the length of notation , this is not usually important to a computer ; moreover , a computer has little use for mnemonics ( it does not forget ! ) .
9 Liberalism is a rationalistic theory which has little regard for the past , is primarily concerned with liberty and is constructed on the assumption of the autonomy of the individual .
10 It is clear that the Committee " s project of combating the " diseased " majority cultures and sustaining a healthy sense of Englishness by mobilizing literature in education , has little place for serving industrial needs .
11 Weinstock has little need for lobbyists , knowing key ministers and senior civil servants in person .
12 If , however , her main dislike of Ken 's sexual behaviour was the way it coloured his career , then she has perhaps cause for concern .
13 A subsequent study of second cancers following anal and cervical cancer found further support for this aetiological link .
14 Masha and I found further cause for depression as , walking in search of a tube station , we came to a major intersection , a roundabout of relentless , screeching vehicles , three and four abreast : for in the centre , on the small concrete island , we saw a man lying on his side .
15 As Frederick 's policies turned into those of Bismarck 's Kulturkampf , the Catholic Kaszubians found further cause for alarm .
16 The opportunities of 1992 , however , could lead to a progressive harmonisation of anti-discriminatory legislation , and the changes in Eastern Europe provide further cause for us to extend our solidarity to lesbians and gays all over Europe , as they did for us .
17 Gupta says , it will be announcing further support for other platforms later in the year .
18 Labour 's plans to establish home rule for Scotland will also strengthen the Unionists ' push for decentralised power , cutting across the Anglo-Irish treaty .
19 If he wants home rule for Scotland , he can have it , and then we will have home rule for England as well .
20 But , when Nigel comes next year he 'll bring Eileen and I think that under circumstances I think if we say well come for about quarter to two .
21 The first choice of a single builder did not work out , but Timothy Easton has high praise for his replacement , Barry Rose , from Debenham : ‘ He was excellent and could do virtually anything . ’
22 More , I would say , with Golders Green , but the experienced rep for a large group refers to it enthusiastically and has high praise for manageress Alison Stroak .
23 says the information comes from many sources and has high praise for the generous help given by curators and librarians .
24 AGI , which produces BIG , also collaborates with the national French bibliographic services of the Bureau de Recherches Gologiques et Minires ( BRGM ) , and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique ( CNRS ) , so that its European coverage is considered virtually complete for the present data set .
25 AGI , which produces BIG , also collaborates with the national French bibliographic services of the Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres ( BRGM ) , and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique ( CNRS ) , so that its European coverage is considered virtually complete for the present data set .
26 They say never ask for whom the bell tolls , but when Steven Ivin heard one ring out after the second world war he knew it tolled for him .
27 Manne fails to take into account ‘ what our restraints on insider trading actually gain for us , both economically and in terms of the quality of our society and our human relationships . ’
28 Marxism has recently become for anthropologists a new source of obscurity as a result of recent work which is difficult and barbarously phrased .
29 Nor did lie think this a bad thing since , as I had emphasised before , he hail little love for Coalitions .
30 PRESIDENT Clinton 's forthcoming healthcare reforms hold little fear for the SmithKline Beecham , its chief executive , Bob Bauman , said yesterday .
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