Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
2 Always goin' on he do n't have a fockin' ‘ real ’ problem ! ’
3 Outings can be for just one or two residents to go somewhere they want to , or it may involve the whole staff and all the residents .
4 Dad , dad , Auntie has to go somewhere I do n't know where , but she just told me to call you cos it 's quarter past fifteen minutes past six or is it seven ?
5 Right , time marches on we 've got five minutes before this meeting closes , so if you 've got another question , I 'll take one more question for Chris and then she 's off the hook .
6 Their initial relationship is one of icy formality , but as time goes on they seem to have more in common …
7 Then as the evening goes on they begin to understand him and at the end they genuinely feel sorry and care for him .
8 If they are knitting successfully I leave them alone ; if they do n't knit successfully I select them manually to the holding position ( with the holding levers set to knit ) to help them knit .
9 Well yes it is certainly fascinating to hear the views of , of members an and indeed it , it 's tempting to go on I think about or personal experience of floods , but this is not the time or the place I would suggest to do that erm strategic planning seems to me has been the venue for discussions with Southern Water Authority with the National Rivers Authority itself , we are the committee that tries to look many , many years ahead .
10 Paul read somewhere they keep going on a bequest from George Bernard Shaw .
11 When I sit down they billow up in front of me and I look as if I 've got a water melon under there .
12 at two o'clock on Saturdays and whizzes round the town doing wheelies round the town so I said to him last night Scott sit down I want you to read something , I said take a good look at the paper , I said it could 've been you , doing that , you think you 're so fucking clever and big running round the town , I said it only takes you to lose control go up the bloody curb and bang , that 's what happened , I said think about what the hell you 're doing
13 You mentioned earlier on that that perhaps er like with Guy Fawkes , there 's a lot of things that come from the past , from our history and we lose Perhaps we lose a bit of sight about where they 've come from .
14 I know what you girls are like , you say you 'll just have it short to see what it looks like , and then you say Pedro at the salon wo n't let you grow it just for the moment , and then you say you 've got to look your best for some wedding or other and you ca n't go with it straggly and then you end up not growing it again and if I do n't mention it every week you think I 've learned to like it and if I do mention it every week you think I 'm nagging so I do n't mention it and I 'm stuck with it .
15 I would think so they 've got ta go and plant , start planting ivies and things to drape down the wall
16 I do n't think so I mean I left it all last night and everything seemed er amicable and er I have n't heard anything to the contrary today .
17 Yes I w I I would think so I mean it it wo n't occur in five minutes of course erm and I I would still say that I would like to see them in the six yard box more often .
18 I could n't have shot any worse I do n't think so I do n't know what 'll happen .
19 I do n't know , I do n't think so I do n't think they 're , I did , I do n't
20 I do n't think so I believe that the hunting fraternity is not blameless and indeed the , all their arguments are not quite correct in every sense but I firmly believe that there are more important matters for this council to debate and spend its time and money on .
21 I do n't think so I think
22 The most successful weepers are those who have integrated a loving carer into their experience , so that even when they are weeping alone they do not feel abandoned or frightened .
23 It has been very quiet on the sales front so I hope this will give us a boost . ’
24 Then it hit me : stress perhaps I need stress !
25 When they sit together you 've got problems .
26 And when the ā gri goes inside they remain fixed for an instant on the li ga and the ground around it , with the four white bodies , and the separate wide-eyed heads , and the stains of blood going brown already in the trampled grass .
27 When they 're gathered together they go ‘ Phwoaaaargghh ! ! ! ’ a lot — like most lads do — and generally they 're as right-on as a picket-line crossing , strike-breaking blackleg .
28 So now you 're saying , if you ca n't make so we 've , we 've changed from the full unbiased overall story
29 Although they are undeniably smart they are also very comfortable to wear so we know they will be popular with Essentials men !
30 You can help me decide what to wear so I do n't look like a blob on legs . ’
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