Example sentences of "[verb] [art] next government " in BNC.

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1 The Committees urge the next government to bring in tough new pension laws .
2 Whichever party forms the next government , Mr Heseltine is unlikely to be Environment Secretary in it .
3 It is important to begin with this sense of perspective , lest the impression be given that politics exists only for the benefit of those who practise it — a kind of hobby ( or , better still , paid profession ) for an educated élite who compete among themselves for the ‘ prize ’ of being on the winning side that forms the next government .
4 Whatever party forms the next Government , people like Chick Grail hopes they 'll do much more to keep the wheels of industry turning .
5 Labour has promised to restore Trades Union rights to workers at GCHQ in Cheltenham if it forms the next Government .
6 Today he has shed a good deal of that ideology — his speech yesterday was social democratic through and through — but he remains devoid of the work experience relevant to his next task which is to convince the country that he , and Labour , are qualified to form the next government .
7 Congress might just be able to form the next government alone ; if not , it would try to split bits off other parties .
8 Saturation coverage of three-and-a-half weeks of intense campaigning may have given way to non-stop reports of a complicated new chess game — as each main party , neither with an overall majority , manoeuvres to secure the support it will need to form the next Government .
9 If the Tories were to form the next government then Chris Patten would be found a seat , if necessary .
10 He is the incumbent for Peterborough , the seat which , arithmetically , need to fall to Labour if they are to form the next government with an overall majority .
11 .. ’ Mortimer confesses that he thinks Labour wo n't be near large enough to form the next government .
12 In the country 's first multiparty elections in January 1991 [ see p. 37948 ] , the newly formed MPD defeated the PAICV and was expected to form the next government after the February presidential elections .
13 Langbaurgh is still a key marginal and if the Tories want to form the next Government , it 's seat like these they need to win and to win well .
14 The Tories say Labour can not be trusted to form the next Government .
15 It must seek every conceivable way of persuading the next government to introduce proportional representation — for without PR , the SDP is dead .
16 Liberal Democrat Kay Kirkham has called for the cancellation of an additional sum on Stockton community charges payers ' charges for this year , to cover non payers , saying the next government should offer an interest-free loan to the council instead , to be paid off as soon as the council collects overdue payments .
17 But no one agreed on who should lead the next government , nor on how long it should last .
18 According to the Probation service , too many women and people from ethnic minorities are in prison in proportion to the numbers convicted ; something they 'd like to se the next Government tackle .
19 In the event Labour received marginally more votes than the Tories , in an election in which the two parties took a larger share of the total votes than ever before , but because of the geography of electoral support in relation to constituency boundaries it was the Tories who gained the majority of seats in Parliament and formed the next government .
20 DARLINGTON Labour candidate Alan Milburn yesterday said his party would allow £8bn to be spent on council housing if it formed the next government .
21 Those questioned believed that the main issue which Darlington voters thought the next Government should tackle was the health service , followed by education and jobs .
22 But we also acknowledge that there is more to politics than choosing the next Government and what that Government attempts to do when in office .
23 He said the next government , whatever its colour , must make attempts to improve the legal system so that youngsters were not allowed out on bail to commit more offences .
24 The process will , of course , be greatly expedited if the Tories form the next Government and the Prime Minister can claim to be his own man with his own mandate .
25 The only way to remove this Government is to give a decisive vote for the Labour Party to ensure they form the next government and undo as soon as possible the damage caused in the past years .
26 Deepening concern that Labour could form the next government at Westminster provides a potent message for the billboards which other parties , with links to neither of the two main protaganists , can not match : ‘ Vote Kennedy to keep Kinnock out . ’
27 The polls indicated that the result was too close to call and that Mr Major and Mr Kinnock may have to wait well into tomorrow morning to know who will form the next Government .
28 Moreover , the " floating " voters — those who were not in total agreement with any party — would stand above the party battle and would carefully assess the rival policy packages on offer before casting an informed vote , affecting the swing , and determining which party would form the next government .
29 Political sources said that Mitterrand loyalists were already in touch with Gaullist Edouard Balladur , 63 , widely expected to head the next government , to discuss the handover from the present prime minister , Pierre Beregovoy .
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