Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] more than " in BNC.

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1 For groups in this position the right to take part in politics represents little more than the right to whistle in the wind .
2 Welch is the first to admit that when the Theatre Royal opened in 1982 it was widely regarded as a white elephant , which quickly became little more than a stopping off point for second-rate touring products .
3 The third National Government followed upon the resignation of the Liberal ministers and of the free trader , Snowden , in September 1932 , after which it became little more than a Conservative government , with the adhesion of a few ex-Labour and Liberal politicians , all owing their seats to an electoral pact with the Conservatives .
4 A settlement was reached in 1972 , but in the 1980s , as the devolution of power to the south became little more than a façade and the economic situation deteriorated , the separatist movement re-emerged .
5 That one or two might make enough money to pass as legitimately successful , but that most would go on hoping for and talking about the ‘ up for none touch ’ that was just around the corner if only this and that fell into place until they became little more than saloon-bar bores .
6 Within the Council there were no surprises or novelties about the Committee of Ministers : with each state having one vote and a veto , it became little more than an intergovernmental conference of foreign ministers meeting twice yearly .
7 The trade union rates so jealously guarded in the inter-war period by the Association became little more than the minimum wage of the 1950s , producing salaries insufficient to attract the ambitious tour operator and dynamic advertising manager and leading in turn to a failure to compete effectively .
8 Then the meetings became little more than quarterly distributions of the papers .
9 In so far as it reached out beyond the rather eccentric sect of the Comtist ‘ Religion of Humanity ’ , positivism became little more than a philosophical justification of the conventional method of the experimental sciences , and similarly for most contemporaries Mill was , again in the words of Taine , the man who had opened up ‘ the good old road of induction and experiment ’ .
10 In the absence of a specific object , it was assumed that the IRA may have intended little more than to carry out its threat to keep ‘ the war in the Ireland ’ in the limelight during the election campaign .
11 Umberto Eco complains , ‘ Unfortunately , ‘ postmodern ’ … is applied today to anything the user happens to like ’ ( in Hutcheon 1988 : 42 ) : as he suggests , the term is increasingly used in the media to signify little more than vague approval of what is new and striking in contemporary culture .
12 The words people use are too often interpreted literally to signify little more than their immediate and most rational translation .
13 In the end , this is a book without a conclusion — despite its charts , its statistical tables and its thickets of notes , it offers little more than a collection of historical raw material .
14 But new-wave sanitation experts say sewerage offers little more than convenience when compared to well thought-out latrines .
15 It has to be said that it is an austere document which , although well designed and printed , offers little more than that for which it was intended .
16 But all these agreements remain little more than pious hopes , even when , as in the case of Anna Wolska , President Walesa himself attempted to translate them into action .
17 Girls have got on through sleeping with a director , although usually they gain little more than temporary advantage .
18 That is an inadequate answer , given that more than a year ago there was a severe weather crisis throughout the country , especially in the east midlands district where 2 million people were without supplies , some of them for a considerable period .
19 Seven supplements , 136 pages and a rolling roster of high profile commentators aggressively signal the ST 's intention to represent ‘ every shade of opinion ’ even if , given the paper 's overall ideological complexion , some of the captured names suggest little more than tokenism .
20 Even when successful prosecutions have been brought , the courts have been reluctant to impose little more than nominal sanctions on miscreants .
21 Collaborative change , with negotiation between professional groups and the state , may be the best way forward , but without strong government control it risks becoming little more than a tinkering with the existing system .
22 It was once an important port , but now contains little more than a wharf , the use of which is also limited by the extremely wide range of the Severn Estuary tides .
23 Despite the massive exodus from the major cities in the 1970s , in 1981 more than three-fifths ( 62.6 per cent ) of Britain 's 54.3 million people were still living in twenty ‘ metropolitan regions ’ which occupy little more than one-fifth of the country 's land area .
24 $800 for Solaris 2.0-on-Sparc sounds expensive compared to USL 's $350 for Unix SVR4.2 ( Destiny ) , but SunSoft claims such a price would buy little more than a kernel from USL , and is virtually useless in such form .
25 Imagine then , how you would feel if your income had shrunk each year to the point where you could now buy little more than half what you could in 1970 .
26 However , it cost little more than the price of the land — a real bargain , ’ she parodied in a bitter little voice .
27 Reports of military gains by the Cambodian resistance have almost certainly been exaggerated in the last week , and estimations by the Thai and Chinese military intelligence agencies of the number of Vietnamese troops supposedly left behind in Cambodia appear little more than fanciful .
28 Rent 's supposed allies appear little more than an improbable amalgam of all those who might be opposed to the regime of Mortimer and Isabella , and it is hard to believe that the conspiracy had such wide-ranging support .
29 Instead of government-rigged prices , they want little more than a reaffirmation of existing anti-dumping rules .
30 I want that more than anything in the world . ’
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