Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Your articles bring alive the voices of our Compañeros in Chile .
2 The letter does not make specific the details of the matter , as one would hardly expect it to do , but Miss Kenton states unambiguously that she has now , in fact , taken the step of moving out of Mr Benn 's house in Helston and is presently lodging with an acquaintance in the nearby village of Little Compton .
3 The parish representatives will have the opportunity to discuss with the Agencies of their choice the forms of support which they need to have in their task of bringing alive the mission statement of each parish .
4 Chile 's previous period of democracy and the way that the labour movement had developed it independent , political base and strong organisational structure during that time , made possible the development of militant collective action on the part of the proletariat .
5 His father , Samuel Whitbread I , who died in 1796 , left a legacy which made possible the building of the Bedford Infirmary ( later to become South Wing ) a few years later .
6 The resulting wealth made possible the issue of splendid coinages ( K. Jenkins ( 1976 ) Coins of Greek Sicily , edn 2 , for illustrations ) : the coinage of Segesta copies some famous Syracusan types such as the river-nymph Arethusa , but also depicts the local goddess Segesta ( Arch .
7 More than anyone else , it was Macedo who made possible the realisation of his friend Chico Mendes 's dream — the Forest People 's Alliance .
8 The decision also made possible the publication of other Cabinet recollections , particularly by Barbara Castle and Tony Benn .
9 For example , the deregulation of brokers ' commissions on Wall Street in 1975 started a revolution in other financial capitals — the ‘ big bang ’ in London — and made possible the rise in international competition in sectors previously reserved for nationals .
10 He failed too , removed by assassination ; but the failure goes deeper : Macedon succeeded where the tyrants of Thessaly did not , precisely because the polis life in Thessaly , which on the economic level made possible the rise of a tyranny , prevented one man from imposing his authority permanently like an Archelaos or a Philip ; that was because on the political level the word polis implied what it had not implied in 650 BC : self-determination .
11 Technology made possible the opening of geographically remote or inaccessible areas to export production , most notably the plains of the central United States and of south-eastern Russia .
12 This development was important because it made possible the invention of the domestic clock and also the watch .
13 The very centrality of the aristocracy and its culture in Vienna , however , made possible the restabilization of bürgerliche culture , partly through the integration of a substantial element of aestheticist aristocratic culture into the bourgeois habitus .
14 His physical departure made possible the coming of the Spirit as Paraclete and there would be no barriers of space and time to prevent disciples being in intimate contact with him .
15 Several groups have tried to locate the wreck in the past 20 years since technology made possible the recovery of its contents .
16 In addition to the influence of Solesmes Abbey , there was the scholarship of men such as Briggs , Frere , Palmer and Arnold , reflected in the publications of the Community of St. Mary the Virgin at Wantage which made possible the recovery of plainsong for English congregations , parochial as well as religious .
17 The end of the war , and the politically liberal climate that existed during Carter 's presidency , made possible the appearance of the first Vietnam combat movies since The Green Berets .
18 But , for Canterbury , it made possible the appointment of a new prior , and Anselm appointed Ernulf , who was one of Lanfranc 's men , but of a very different stamp from his predecessor .
19 In spite of the profound dissimilarities between father and son , and the bitter personal conflicts between them , Frederick II remained always the executor of Frederick William I. ‘ Only his care , ’ he wrote of his father , ‘ his untiring work , his scrupulously just policies , his great and admirable thriftiness and the strict discipline he introduced into the army which he himself had created , made possible the achievements I have so far accomplished . ’
20 Ltd. , and the laying of underground conduits and cables for the power supply to British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ltd. , but in an agreement dated 25 September , it was arranged that the B.E.T .
21 While agreeing with the spirit of Jameson 's suggestion that an avant-garde sensibility may displace and make strange the regularity of everyday television , it is not enough to appeal to an already formed avant garde — formed in another place or at another time and for another purpose — which can be hauled in and held up to television as a template of value .
22 These conceded Indian representation on an elective basis in both the central and provincial councils of government , while maintaining intact the principle of the irresponsible executive .
23 Victoria Scarborough and Colin Watson , taking five roles apiece , prove adept at giving every character a distinctive individuality while subtly stressing the continuities which make each the mirror image of one another 's frailties .
24 Our club membership consists of a large number of ‘ Taffs ’ , so we have been shocked and horrified that the W.R.U .
25 Make specific the goals you need to attain in order to earn each reward .
26 Not all research is important in this way : it is not the accumulation of detailed findings , but the occasional additions to our conceptual frameworks which make possible the expansion of the student 's understanding .
27 In a less flamboyant way , numberless provisions of state law , county councils , and local authorities , regulate and make possible the wealth , power , and by most people 's lights , the reasonable and necessary exclusivity , of clubs , societies , schools , and universities which foster fraternal and even class loyalties .
28 These documents form a basis for the history of Jacques le Romain and his father , Martin ; they make possible the revision of the most recently published Hotteterre genealogical charts , especially as they document three Hotteterre makers previously unidentified , including one who lived in London in the service of the King ; and they offer clarification of the Hotteterre makers ' marks , and alter our view of how the three-piece flute of the early Baroque developed into the four-piece flute with corps de rechange .
29 As I suggested in the previous chapter , the creation of the European Economic Area and the looming enlargement of the Community make possible the development of an EEC consisting of some twenty to twenty-five freely cooperating nations .
30 A parallel phenomenon seems to occur in early agricultural societies when mounting economic surpluses make possible the emergence of chiefs , kings and even emperors .
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