Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The strategy included plans ( i ) to develop a new , voluntary nationwide examination system of " American Achievement Tests " in the core subjects of English , mathematics , science , history and geography ; ( ii ) to promote parental choice as to which schools children should attend ; ( iii ) to establish a business-financed , non-profit-making organization to develop non-traditional types of school , which would receive limited federal funding ; and ( iv ) to boost vocational training by encouraging business and labour to devise ( voluntary ) skill standards and " skill certificates " .
2 A letter written to Bush in early October by a group of 53 US senators , urging him to suspend economic assistance until the restoration of representative government in Pakistan , led an official Pakistani government spokesman on Oct. 22 to describe the senators as " a group opposed to the national interests of Pakistan " .
3 Would it not make administrative sense if at least part of this site could be reserved specifically for the British Library so that in any future extension , these units could be incorporated ?
4 pulls you up do that goes that way , does that goes that way so you 're upside down you see , you 've not only got weight and gravity pulling you down you 've also got the thrust of the engine pulling you down as well , and the only way the helicopters going to be able to do it is by getting enough height so they can sort of drop like that and they start dropping and they can just pull it back
5 I hate that programme because I like I tend to come and listen to the content of what they 're saying
6 There was nothing to check in the front parlour ; hardly anything to say goodbye to , for the room was empty of furniture and must remain that way until the shops would once again have chairs and sofas and rugs and curtains to sell .
7 It is difficult and must remain that way because history has left us with this difficulty .
8 Some of them used to wear normal clothes if they were going home afterwards , some would come in uniform but without their keys .
9 ‘ I do n't think that professionalism as such should have a place within the playing side of the Association , ’ states the Dungiven clubman , ‘ We play for pure enjoyment and recreation and if along the way we manage to pick up a few honours , then that 's great .
10 All I was going to say was that clearly I agree with one thing , but one would assume that as the paper is a really a general outline that we would be seeing specific targets as the agenda 's worked through over the next two three years .
11 Supra-national institutions can play only a very limited role in assisting disadvantaged areas if national governments have not established suitable domestic structures and procedures .
12 But I ca n't make that point cos it just gets enemies and it just wo n't do , it wo n't do any good .
13 I do not know how we can make that judgment until we have seen the texture of the decision that we are being asked to make .
14 And eat that breakfast before it gets cold !
15 It had been raining that night so the roads were slippy and our group was half way round the course when a friend , Catriona , suffered a puncture in her rear wheel .
16 It was raining that morning as Sir Maxwell Shaw walked down the village street , a black Labrador at his heels .
17 The consumer must accept that , with organic systems , some fruits and vegetables will not look perfect and they will continue to be more expensive because organic farming is more labour intensive and the land usually produces lower yields than conventionally farmed land .
18 Well , she said , right , she said , er , he ca n't cash that cheque because his account 's in Ireland , so can you get him out the cash instead .
19 Meanwhile the factory towns and the mines were not far off as they were in the South , and the northern peasant was used to a hard life ; he was not forced to stay on the land as a pauper , since employers and employed were in the same economic difficulties and regarded each other as of nearly the same status .
20 I mean bloody hell if I er
21 While you are dressing him , you should make the patient aware of what you are doing by naming each garment as you put it on , and showing him that it is the right way round .
22 In short , the phylogenetic basis of the id seems most definitely to be a set of basically egoistic and anti-social sexual and aggressive drives which cause all men to see each other as sexual rivals and which make sons desire the death of their fathers for possession of the mother and sisters .
23 For the expressive value is confirmed when people in good faith try to treat one another in a way appropriate to common membership in a community governed by political integrity and to see each other as making this attempt , even when they disagree about exactly what integrity requires in particular circumstances .
24 The owners are not seeing guilty behaviour when Rover slinks across the floor , they are seeing the submissive behaviour Rover displays in anticipation of the aggression , however mild , the owners are about to use in attempt to reprimand him .
25 The surface meanwhile was safe and shimmering and funny , and would stay that way until we were ready for change .
26 ‘ Zoe is a virgin and she 'll stay that way until she is at least 16 — and even longer if she wants to . ’
27 They chivvy and reproach each other as we eat .
28 They can not stop huge armies like those of NATO and the Warsaw pact from clobbering each other if they want to .
29 trembling when he made that speech when he remember when he , remember when you , you were n't there , no you were n't there he was shaking like a leaf .
30 Because he made that statement when discussing the concentric spheres with which Aristotle had built the cosmos , he was evidently aware that authoritative world-pictures were not inviolable .
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