Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 59 ) Two and two is four ( 60 ) Iguanas eat ants Let us , following Lyons ( 1977a : 682 ) , distinguish the semantic or theoretical category of tense , which we may call metalinguistic tense or M-tense for short , from the verbal inflections that a traditional grammar of a particular language may call that language 's tenses , which we may call L-tenses .
2 These flaps gradually grew larger until they met the nasal and became a single sheet of metal , with slits to allow vision and holes for breathing .
3 Man to man , the Englishman met the Indian and prevailed .
4 However , this neglects the categorical or unconditional prescriptivity which we think pertains to values , for it makes the relevance of ethical truths to us turn on contingent facts about the will .
5 But psychology still treats ‘ race ’ differences as culturally or even biologically absolute categories , and neglects the social and historical relations in which they are embedded .
6 The planning must then design the introductory and motivating unit ( the " lead lesson " , the " starter pack " , an introductory film , or whatever is the best agent for the particular purpose ) , a schedule of subsequent activity anticipating varieties of use and as many of the consequent hazards as can be foreseen , and the expected conclusion ; and at every stage it is important to be clear about intentions and objectives , learning points , and how it is proposed to monitor the continuing success of the work in achieving these objectives .
7 The kids loved the chants and the masks and puppets-usually Masquerade 's strength , although here even these lacked the usual imagination-but really it could all have been so much better in almost every respect .
8 Some felt that women lacked the cultural and political training necessary .
9 First , you must expand your psyche to accommodate the bigger and better .
10 It is to accommodate the six or seven-day working week .
11 Er Mr also commented om the er consideration of the er emerging alteration and increase in Selby District 's allocation from ten thousand to eleven and a half thousand dwellings erm and I would like to assure him now that we have completed out local plan studies , we are in the process of fine tuning them and and I 'm quite confident that we will be able to accommodate the eleven and a half thousand dwellings .
12 More distressingly , we discovered that the Aru islands and the Greater Bird of Paradise were no longer on their trading routes and that for the last twenty years they had been pursuing the shorter and more profitable triangular passage between Celebes , Java and Borneo .
13 As Blackstone put it : ‘ the law can not draw the line between different degrees of violence , and therefore totally prohibits the first and lowest stage of it ; every man 's person being sacred , and no other having a right to meddle with it , in any the slightest manner . ’
14 The riders then trot the four and a half miles to the start , a sandstone post one mile north of the old Kiplingcotes railway station .
15 The films were inevitably foreign and subtitled , and even if we did n't understand them it was as though through exposure to some cinematic photosynthesis we would absorb the esoteric and become all the better intellectually for it .
16 Instead we have seen the emergence of the enabling authority , where the Town Hall finds ways of allowing the private and voluntary sectors to undertake the work that , for the last few decades , it has itself accomplished .
17 to back him through thick and thin , but not before I had consulted the eight or nine senior legal Members ( some of them more distinguished at the Bar than myself ) and got their promises of support .
18 To recruit for profit you have only one option : recruit the best and pay the best
19 Unlike Piggott , Hannon is convinced Geisway will stay the one and a half miles at Epsom .
20 The most startling illustration of how things can stay the same while they change is found in one of Stein-am-Rhein 's many excellent restaurants .
21 Just bear with me a moment we can stay the same as we on subject specifics at the moment , we do n't have to change that , I 'm just trying to think in the light of national curriculum and what 's happening
22 If the rays of light that form the event horizon , the boundary of the black hole , can never approach each other , the area of the event horizon might stay the same or increase with time but it could never decrease — because that would mean that at least some of the rays of light in the boundary would have to be approaching each other .
23 The original concept for reservoir access was replaced by designing three horizontal wells to target the thin but high permeability layers .
24 The notorious Atlantic trade in black Africans has received the extensive and controversial attention of historians , and that is as it should be , for it was a shameful traffic for which apologetics are quite out of order .
25 At best the existence of some checks and balances , or statutory tripwires , may serve to alert the wary as to how things are moving .
26 In fact its name still adorns the large office block in Paddock Wood — they 're waiting for the Friends of Felix Dhjerzinsky to come and remove it — but below is enscribed the new and politically squeaky-clean name of ‘ English Hops ’ .
27 People argue that by adopting a voluntary approach you lose the good and the bad .
28 While the Anglo-American partnership was vital but unequal in maintaining the First and Second Pillars of grand strategy , Britain was expected to go it alone in supporting the Third Pillar , which was an essentially British requirement that had little to do with the Americans or the North Atlantic Alliance .
29 He insisted that SOC sovereignty must be respected " by maintaining the political and military status quo before general elections " .
30 The manor did not disappear when the Middle Ages drew to a close , nor when the Tudors made the parish the administrative unit that was responsible for maintaining the poor and the highways and for petty law and order .
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