Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This analysis lifts us above such complications of hedonism as having to measure degrees of pleasure or distinguish the higher from the lower .
2 Speech act theory , by attempting to single out the pieces of shared knowledge which enable us to interpret the function of what is said , also assumes that we can distinguish which factors in the situation are relevant , but again it does nothing to explain how we distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant .
3 We also aim to prepare more four year olds for full-time education and we aim to provide incentives to schools that wish to diversify the fourteen to nineteen curriculum .
4 We would glean the last of the coffee but hardly got paid anything .
5 Below her , tucked into a natural bowl where a lush green valley met the aquamarine of the Atlantic Ocean , nestled the tiny fishing village of Praia do Carvoeiro .
6 Eventually they met the Royal in the final .
7 First , he must regain support abroad , stop the economy from re-entering the tailspin in which he found it and reconquer the two-thirds of the country lost to an undeclared civil war , without driving new recruits into the arms of the guerrillas .
8 ‘ We ought none of us to lose sight of the fact that human beings count far more than institutions or procedures or precedents , and we ought always to be willing , given justification , to sacrifice the latter to the former . ’
9 In terms of Henry Thornton 's antithesis between reputation and religion and the need to sacrifice the former to the latter if it aided the antislavery cause , Clarkson had sometimes seemed too attached to reputation .
10 Besides , with this creed I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime , I can so sincerely forgive the first , while I abhor the last with this creed revenge never worries my heart , degradation never too deeply disgusts me , injustice never crushes me too low , I live in calm looking to the end .
11 Happy though he was , Ya'acov wanted very much to be together with Solly , his brother , and the Maggses were not able to accommodate the two of them .
12 The Great Court of the Citadel of Famagusta was one hundred and sixty feet long , and built to accommodate the grandest of ceremonials .
13 The lord of Parfois was a law to himself ; if he ever did discover where Master Harry lay buried , the Severn would not stop him from pursuing the dead with his living and virulent hatred , the Welsh border would be no bar to him , even the sanctity of the church would not restrain him .
14 ‘ I should have realised the two of you were n't a couple , ’ Vitor reflected , when he had finished his sandwiches .
15 On the first day Odd-Knut gave me a tobacco tin of worms and told me to keep them warm , and they have travelled the Arctic inside my second layer of clothing ever since , even sharing my sleeping bag at night-time .
16 Richie emptied the last of the Glenlivet bottle into their glasses .
17 In fact , by Christmas 1988 , after three months solid debate , it had still not completed the first of the five subject areas laid down by Energy Secretary Cecil Parkinson at the start .
18 Willie had completed the last of the ‘ Learning to Read ’ books .
19 The moment they arrived in Parson 's Green Penry rushed Leonora to the Range Rover , gave her a moment to fish out a gift-wrapped package from the bag containing her change of clothes , then stowed the latter in the car .
20 Glenn Hoddle and his men have been taking a break in Spain this week , so let ; s hope their ready and willing to kill the Posh off tomorrow .
21 Hedgehogs have neither the speed nor the manoeuvrability to catch rabbits but I have known them to kill the young in a stop , gaining entrance during the times when the doe has left the stop unsealed just before the young rabbits are moved out .
22 Why ca n't things stay the same for five minutes ?
23 As a leading suffragette , she endured the first of two spells in Holloway gaol in 1907 .
24 Saville , making his debut following his record £60,000 move from Barnsley , claimed the goal and Smith , who endured the unhappiest of afternoons , was in no mood to argue .
25 shouts from Madam Sweaty Pie to enable the older of the canned bus company to leap this obstruction whenever they wish to dismount .
26 I have received the following from Her Majesty 's Representative at Ascot .
27 They have a unique flavour and need only to be used sparingly to enliven the dullest of dishes .
28 And since literacy was a prime requirement , type-setting was of all the manual trades the nearest to teaching , governessing and clerking : traditionally the only hopes for educated girls who needed to earn a living .
29 The Elizabethan poor law acts of 1598 and 1601 threatened beggars with a whipping and placed the responsibility for maintaining the poor on ‘ the Churchwardens of every parish and four substantial householders there … who shall be nominated yearly in Easter week under the hand and seal of two or more Justices of the Peace … [ and who ] shall be called overseers of the poor ’ .
30 The union is forced to pour resources into simply maintaining the thousands of small branches which trade unionism in agriculture automatically involves .
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