Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 More sweeping changes to deal with the threat of global warming will have to wait for the Government 's environment white paper under discussion in cabinet committee .
2 There was full consultation between family heads at each stage of the project and only a handful of families , mostly shop-owners , opted to wait for the Government supply which reached Perteguhan 18 months later .
3 ’ Does an employer have to wait for the government to push her into saying ’ This is a human being ? ’
4 A provisional timetable has , however , been given for the Government 's review of travel-to-work areas ( used as the basis for the Assisted Areas which are targeted for regional assistance ) .
5 Thus , shortly after the Electricity Act received the royal assent , in September 1947 , Attlee appointed Gaitskell as Minister in his place , and it therefore fell to him to carry through the Government 's work of nationalisation by completing the appointments to the Boards and the working out of the new relationship of Ministry and BEA .
6 Historically , this arrangement provided a residual form of financing for the government — meeting any financing requirement not satisfied by sales of other forms of debt .
7 What do you think about the government ?
8 He went , you 're just a drop-out , you 're just sponging off the government .
9 The thinking in the State Department was that a statement should be issued shortly , confirming that the ROK was regarded as the government of Korea in accordance with past resolutions of the UN General Assembly .
10 ‘ Where an unconstitutional change of regime takes place in a recognised state , governments of other states must necessarily consider what dealings , if any , they should have with the new regime , and whether and to what extent it qualifies to be treated as the government of the state concerned .
11 Accordingly , if the interim government is to be treated as the Government of Somalia , it must be able to show that it is exercising administrative control over the territory of the Republic .
12 It is one of 10 collieries where coal production has stopped after the Government and British Coal said they were uneconomic and could not be saved .
13 Efforts in mid-July to resume oil talks suspended in late June failed after the government reportedly turned down UN conditions demanding that oil exports be channelled through Turkey to the Mediterranean terminal of Ceyhan rather than through the Iraqi port of Mina al-Bakr .
14 An agreement was reported between the government and three rebel factions at UN-supervised talks in Nairobi , the Kenyan capital , on Dec. 4 , which would allow for distribution of relief supplies to those affected by war in the south .
15 But I was not surprised when , several years later , I read that Sir Robert Armstrong , appearing for the government in the Spycatcher trial in Sydney , had admitted to cross-examining counsel that he had been what he called ‘ economical with the truth ’ .
16 Marco Maciel , a one-time Collor loyalist , had resigned as the government 's leader in the Senate on Sept. 3 , when he was replaced by Odacir Soares , the deputy leader of the pro-government Liberal Front Party ( PFL ) .
17 Accordingly , the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a government exists as the government of a state are : ( a ) whether it is the constitutional government of the state ; ( b ) the degree , nature and stability of administrative control , if any , that it of itself exercises over the territory of the state ; ( c ) whether Her Majesty 's Government has any dealings with it and if so what is the nature of those dealings ; and ( d ) in marginal cases , the extent of international recognition that it has as the government of the state .
18 I am now shown correctly in Hansard as having voted for the Government in Division 15 .
19 The favourable response to Labour 's initiative in circles well removed from the Party 's normal supporters helped to persuade Lloyd George that the time had come for the Government to reassert its authority .
20 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
21 Issuing a series of warnings to the government and the ANC , they called for the scrapping of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA — the multiparty forum for constitutional negotiations — see p. 38897 ) and condemned the Record of Understanding between the government and ANC reached in September [ see pp. 39078-79 ] .
22 Although Mr Parkinson did not entirely dismiss rule out road pricing , he will disappoint a the growing lobby wanting of those pressing for the Government to introduce schemes result in estimated charging s of £3 to £4 around £3 — £4 for to drive through central London .
23 Some , particularly within the popular movement , feared a sudden political settlement in which the PLO leadership might be installed as the government of Palestine .
24 If a local authority behaved as the Government have over the sale of public assets , its members would be disqualified and taken before the district auditor and might have to spend some time in gaol — and quite right , too .
25 But in Committee , an amendment was carried against the Government .
26 Of the Tory Euro-rebels , 26 put principle before party and voted against the Government .
27 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
28 It 'll be the first time she 's voted against the government and her former deputy Geoffrey says she 's guilty of disloyalty .
29 He was a founder member of the France-Iraq Friendship Association , and within the Socialist Party ( PS ) he led the small " socialism and republic " faction which had voted against the government in the parliamentary vote on the Gulf war on Jan. 16 [ see above ] ; the existence of this faction , together with size of France 's Arab community and the strength of its pacifist movement , had been seen as domestic factors influencing Mitterrand 's eleventh-hour diplomatic initiatives .
30 The PFL had voted against the government over pensions , despite being the leading pro-government party in Congress .
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