Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 At this time of year there was n't enough milk anywhere in the village to borrow for more than a few days .
2 Downes himself could not stay for more than a few minutes .
3 The so-called Anabaptists ' take-over of Munster in 1536 became for more than a century afterwards a byword among the respectable for the supposed anarchy , savagery and madness which were bound to result if ever the " multitude " gained political power .
4 It will be hard , as only one in ten succeed in abstaining for more than a year .
5 The Collector , his mind too feverish to recollect for more than a moment what all this activity was about , became absorbed in the contemplation of this pariah dog .
6 Every year we buy his work for more than the year before and every year we sell for more than the year before 1991 being no exception .
7 One is certainly not enough , when you consider the number of cars and drivers who use this stretch of motorway each day.It 's unwise for people tol have to drive for more than an hour and a half without taking a break .
8 Its virtual monopoly on the allegiance of the Ovambo , who account for more than half Namibia 's population of 1.3 million , all but guarantees Swapo more than half the voters .
9 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
10 Some 121 countries may be designated ‘ developing ’ and of this 121 , 17 countries account for more than four-fifths of energy consumption .
11 The aim is to reduce the ranks of the young unemployed who now account for more than half the nation 's two million jobless and to give them an added skill which will help them find work when the training is over .
12 British equities account for more than half of the assets of British funds ; foreign equities are a further 20% .
13 In comparison with the Conrad passage , purely concrete nouns ( engine , wagons , colt , gorse , railway , hedge , basket , etc ) are here more frequent , and indeed account for more than two-thirds of all nouns .
14 And house burglaries and car thefts account for more than half all crimes reported .
15 In the last 15 years there has been an enormous increase in the volume of frozen chips being consumed , even although straight-cut chips for frying still account for more than half the chips bought .
16 Mineral extraction and quarrying were the only other enterprises producing for more than immediate local demand , though practical considerations must generally have limited the distances stone could be transported .
17 in his arms and treat and Mr Bumble rushed into the room with great excitement and addressed the gentleman in the high chair said I beg your pardon sir , Oliver Twist has asked for more , there was a for more said compose yourself Bumble and do I understand that he asked for more after he 'd eaten supper he did sir replied Bumble , that boy would be hung I know that boy will be hung
18 Arguments then ensued as to who allowed other speakers to continue for more than their allotted time .
19 Although recorded annually there is no regular winter population , and birds rarely remain for more than a few days except in severe winters , when considerable influxes occur .
20 The Russian plan , probably inspired by the offer of £200,000 from British conservation groups to buy Brightness and his beluga comrade , Gorgeous , who is still free , prompted a furious reaction from British campaigners who fought for more than a month to have the beluga airlifted from Turkish waters to the Arctic .
21 It may be that like the other NCT groups people do not feel the need to attend for more than a few months ( ca n't stay a New Mum for ever ! ! ! ) and at the moment no one needs the MiE group I do not know and I would like to find out .
22 Some of the consequences were outlined in a study released on the eve of the conference by Arthur Andersen Petroleum Services which claimed that 20 per cent of future UK projects had been delayed for more than a year by the cash flow situation and other uncertainties .
23 The A grade in computing which may result from the obsession is regarded as more than adequate compensation for the dismal Cs in all other subjects .
24 Although the chance to split votes is from the British standpoint a novelty which a commentator can not ignore , it should not be regarded as more than a minor feature of the WGMS .
25 The Document Examination Laboratory with its cabinets and range of monorail cameras took up what some of his colleagues , notably Edwin Lorrimer , regarded as more than its share of room .
26 No doubt it appealed to his vanity and his ambition to be regarded as more than a mere fiddler ; but after a harrowing year it must have been a decision he bitterly regretted .
27 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
28 Herpex simplex virus infection causing a mucocutaneous ulcer that persists for more than 1 month , or bronchitis , pneumonitis , or oesophagitis for any duration in a patient > 1 month of age .
29 Such comparison can not justify that performance — nothing can justify leaving 20,000 properties empty for more than a year .
30 But he had wished for more than that .
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