Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pos pn] end " in BNC.

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1 An anonymous tract of February 1691 started with the premise that " Government as ordained by God , has for its End or Object the Common Good " , and argued that the heavy taxes , the decay of trade , and the oppressions of war suffered under William meant that his Government was " not an Upholder of the common good ; and consequently … no more a Government " .
2 The era of sealing wax and string was beginning to come to its end , although the end was far off ; in the Cavendish Laboratory under Rutherford in the 1930s the story was that research workers asking for string were made to say how many inches of it they needed .
3 But he is old , Shelley , and he has to come to his end some time .
4 Child labour was stopped before your century drew to its end .
5 Out of the contemporary turmoil of Hindu tradition Rabindranath Tagore wrote of the same mysterious sources of renewal : I thought that my voyage had come to its end at the last limit of my power — that the path before me was closed , that provisions were exhausted and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity .
6 The large N-terminal domain lies free in the cytoplasm with the InsP 3 binding site located at its end , a long way away from the channel-forming C-terminal region .
7 Second by second , the world crept towards its End .
8 ‘ But it must be a great comfort to know that Nora is looking after her end of things .
9 It has had for its end the production of a convincing explanation of the writer 's understanding of the origin of the Created God , that is , a God that man can endow with recognisable origins to be found far back in time and with qualities from which the desire to have an absolute standard of human behaviour can ultimately be evolved .
10 As a result of this arrangement , the Flexifoil does not require a bridle — the lines are connected directly to the spar ends , and therein lies another unusual feature.As the inflated Flexifoil is launched and airloads take effect with movement , the spar which is tapered in its end components flexes into a curve to create a ‘ channel wing ’ like an inverted ‘ U ’ with the control lines at each of the cusped ends .
11 ‘ How do things look at your end ? ’
12 And the day before his weakness waxed great , he ordered the gates of the town to be shut , and went to the Church of St. Peter ; and there the Bishop Don Hieronymo being present , and all the clergy who were in Valencia , and the knights and honourable men and honourable dames , as many as the Church could hold , the Cid Ruydiez stood up , and made a full noble preaching , showing that no man whatsoever , however honourable or fortunate they may be in this world , can escape death ; to which , said he , I am now full near ; and since ye know that this body of mine hath never yet been conquered , nor put to shame , I beseech ye let not this befall it at the end , for the good fortune of man is only accomplished at his end .
13 I stand at my end of the phone line , grinning while he raves .
14 She had begged Aurangzeb not to spare Dara , and now that she heard of his end she threw a great party in the Imperial harem .
15 The class dragged to its end .
16 If the edge of the plating does not provide enough information , a minute flake of plating , as small as 1 sq mm , can be mounted on its end in an epoxy resin for easy handling .
17 You will of course all enter the Tunnel of Terror because , commencing now , the air is to be exhausted from your end of this chamber .
18 So , before you decide on your end points on the graph , just check where they 're asking read the volume at twenty degrees C , that 's okay .
19 It is a visual equivalent of flowering , she thought , as the last petal jerks back and the calyx lies open , defenceless , the pollen blown , come to its end ; and of the flowering of the body as it lets go , and offers up its clenched treasure , in the rush through narrow flight , in the relief of its settling , falling , dying , coming to its end .
20 ‘ How is she doing at your end ? ’
21 In this they are quite promiscuous and unselective and tendons will join up with whatever muscle they find at their end .
22 But Anselm had another reason for action : the procedure he had started eighteen months earlier for excommunicating the king if he did not return the lands and revenues of the archbishopric was drawing to its end .
23 Now it was drawing to its end she gathered the courage to look him straight in the face .
24 The LEA decision meant that it was unlikely that any new centre would enter a three-year commitment without a preliminary period of less demanding study and consequently , the Norfolk scheme tapered to its end .
25 If an arrangement is chosen that can not physically pass through its end positions without breaking the couple , then the iterative procedure will state , after a set number of attempts , that it is unable to re-establish the associations in this configuration .
26 With a long broom handle , a kitchen fork fixed on its end , they spike away the loose , dry divots .
27 Well , then Tony , tell us about how it feels at your end .
28 You 've to get in their end and take it — the away supporters have . ’
29 But now it was like being on the launch pad — the craft standing on its end with the nose upwards and me sitting there facing upwards being pulled down into the back of the seat by gravity .
30 And to get to its end point of Conwy Castle you travel right through the heart of Snowdonia taking a stunning high level route crossing peaks like Rhinog Fach , Rhinog Fawr , Glyder Fawr and Snowdon itself .
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