Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The Hillingdon report on public library effectiveness distinguished between users ' expressed needs , and their unexpressed or unactivated needs .
2 Software vendors such as Telesmart are doing their bit to help by providing software to sit between users ' applications and the various EDI networks ( see Panel 2 — British Gypsum ) .
3 Adding in refinancing of maturing debt ( and allowing for individuals ' national savings ) , that means that £1 billion of gilt-edged debt must be sold per week .
4 No credit is given for trusts ' abilities to enhance returns through gearing .
5 McHale plans to use the extra £50,000 he has been given for players ' wages to good effect .
6 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
7 Ideally joint guidelines should be developed for parents ' evenings .
8 Like , I 'm sure that child 's seen enough policemen in the past few weeks , you do n't know what goes through kids ' minds .
9 Those in the second section asked about teachers ' general perceptions of school self-evaluation and were virtually identical to those asked earlier in Solihull ( Turner and Clift , 1985 ) .
10 We might at least be fair about the ways in which we account for pupils ' behaviour .
11 She took a BSc honours degree in Sociology at London University , worked as a community counsellor for one-parent families in Camden and was on the literature panel of the Arts Council until their decision to return to the Government some money designated for writers ' bursaries led her to resign in disgust .
12 He should take his own route in his own time and avoid the tendency to see through others ' eyes .
13 But his new lease of life has saved Blackburn manager Dalglish from dipping further into Walker 's personal fortune to reinforce a position once regarded as Rovers ' weak link — but now recognised as a pillar of strength .
14 Guests will be lawful visitors to those parts of the hotel to which they have been invited , i.e. all public rooms ( lounge , reception , restaurant ) , their bedrooms , conveniences , etc. provided for guests ' use .
15 Where do I need for Kids ' County , what you rang up for ?
16 Thus Byrne ( 1981:70 — 84 ) creates five categories : ( 1 ) protective services , such as police and fire , that seek to Protect the citizen from various dangers , ( 2 ) environmental services to control and improve the physical environment such as highways , transport and planning ; ( 3 ) personal services , such as education , housing and social work , that seek to enhance personal welfare ; ( 4 ) amenity services , such as museums , theatres and sports facilities that provide for citizens ' leisure time ; and ( 5 ) trading services for which local authorities make commercial charges .
17 The attackers had shouted abuse at Mr Sheldon , his brother Peter , 18 , and Mr Cole , who were walking between friends ' houses in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh just before 2am .
18 The attackers had shouted abuse at Mr Sheldon , his brother Peter , 18 , and Mr Cole , who were walking between friends ' houses in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh just before 2am .
19 Since ITV had the TV monopoly of advertising and ‘ editorializing ’ was not allowed , few anxieties surfaced about advertisers ' influence on programmes .
20 This stands for Days ' Sales Outstanding .
21 Because parental involvement is such a key feature , teachers also need to know about parents ' rights and responsibilities under the legislation , in addition to those of the school and LEA .
22 EC is blamed for farmers ' ‘ losses ’
23 Community Health Councils , the health watchdog bodies now formally established in every area , and local voluntary organizations can play a key role in pressing for users ' views to be heard .
24 It sought to provide for workers ' retirement by broad , diversified investment in the American economy , that is , in equities .
25 It was still early when they went in to Gamages and headed for Ladies ' Gowns .
26 Rawls often writes of individuals ' conceptions of the good as if they are their views of the good life for themselves .
27 Its two handles , flattened , curled like pigs ' ears , were striped in yellow and blue .
28 Is not the essential difference between Government policies and those of the Opposition that the Government 's prime concern lies with patients ' interests , while Opposition Members ' prime concern is to keep happy the unions that pay and sponsor them ?
29 The same phenomenon is occurring with brokers ' research .
30 ( 5 ) Some record offices offer in-service courses , or workshops to allow teachers to prepare their own teaching materials , or will cooperate with teachers ' groups producing resource materials .
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