Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 With Britain getting closer to Iran and with the US constantly improving its rapport with Syria , we felt that now we were all together , we could be released without having to wait for all the governments to restore relations .
2 ‘ Large numbers of entries were received for all the competitions , which ran over the two days and were thrown open to the past members of the Club , as well as members of the Ladies and Artisans sections .
3 I got through half the book .
4 You feel punished for all the sins you never committed ; you 're supplicated and invaded .
5 ‘ The world 's exotica is over there , parading for all the universe to see , and you are here … ’
6 That was why India-May could handle being ripped off all the time .
7 ‘ Father vould n't really vant him to go for all the summer . ’
8 Nevertheless , even allowing for all the frailties of palaeontologists , there still remains a remarkable picture of palaeontological persistence .
9 And is it not ( by its elastic force ) expanded through all the heavens ? ’
10 Repeat for all the towers .
11 It is , therefore , most important to search for all the possible angles to a question , and this involves reading the question with meticulous care .
12 Stunned by the sensation , she had to search for all the willpower she possessed not to let her reaction show in her expression .
13 Points given for all the norw. players in VG ( max 10 — which is — very — seldom seen ) — 4–5-1 formation .
14 As Carol had heard it , the Special Air Service had somehow broken through all the perimeter fences in the night , evaded the Ministry police and their bloody dogs , and reached the doors of the earth mound where the chemical explosives were stored .
15 The Holy Spirit has broken through all the man-made obstacles , and has incorporated all types and backgrounds of people in the messianic community .
16 Those who suffer most are the prisoners who allow their mask to sink through all the layers of their personality and blot out the warm , loving , sorrowing parts of themselves .
17 He goes through all the emotions .
18 About one case in 25 goes through all the pre-trial procedure and is set down for trial .
19 Because I believe that it is the women that goes through all the pain , suffering and has to carry the burden of the chance of getting pregnant which a man does not have for obvious reasons .
20 and the , the free papers I mean that 's the one that goes through all the doors
21 , I do n't think you 've got anything to worry about , have you seen that advert for Babycham no erm the advert with Babycham , erm , er running on about true romantics and he goes through all the differences his and this woman marrying this guy and she must be and she must be fifty five , and he 's about twenty three , twenty four and Rob turns round the other day and said , she 's got
22 And I unloaded at Mr Riggs on Norwich Hill ( he used to contract for all the horses with the post-office ; and we used to take hay there ) , and I pulled the load into his yard ; took the horses out , and put them into this load what my uncle — what they sent away .
23 Constituency parties were formed for all the major industrial constituencies .
24 If that continues during the 1990s , inflation averages 5% , and homes account for half the value of all bequests , Mintel thinks property transfers between generations will rise from perhaps £16 billion in 1990–91 to £25 billion in 1999–2000 .
25 the legs account for half the total height of the figure .
26 the legs account for half the total height of the figure .
27 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp 's NTT Mobile Communications Network is to split itself into nine regional units : its present headquarters in Tokyo will become the group 's parent company , which will wholly own the equity of the eight subsidiaries , and the move is intended to improve efficiency and competitiveness in the fight with its biggest domestic rival Daini Denden Inc , which has no unit in Tokyo and Tokai area , which together account for half the population .
28 While France stands shoulder to shoulder with Germany , and the two countries together account for half the EC output , the exchange rate mechanism will survive , representing a beacon of hope for federalists who still see a common currency as the bridge across which Europe must pass to a federal future , and a baleful threat for the sovereign Britishers , who see it as a black hole which could draw EC members inexorably into the same destiny .
29 They asked for all the recommendations for a carer , and home support to be implemented .
30 Then I asked for half the fee in advance , and was given a wafer confirming the immediate transfer of the amount to my Fedbank .
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