Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] been " in BNC.

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1 The ego is that part of the id which has through perception been modified by the external world .
2 The text has of course been approved by our Chairman and is enclosed for your information .
3 The most publicised aspect of recent anti-viral research has of course been the work on interferon — part of the body 's natural defence against viruses .
4 The work of women in both the RFC and RAF ( WAAF ) has of course been fully documented , but little has been written on the subject apart from in propaganda and other official literature .
5 The glamorous side of aviation , flying , has of course been brought to the attention of the public over the years ; but what of the ladies who drove staff cars , rode despatch motor cycles and undertook much arduous work often under enemy fire ?
6 Their impact has of course been immense .
7 Despite boasts months ago , it has of course been unable to get volumes at 200MHz and probably wo n't until third quarter 1993 .
8 This problem of ‘ additionality ’ has of course been a long-standing one in relation to the British government and European Community assistance — as discussed in the Obair Report .
9 This has resulted partly from the increased participation of married women and the ‘ coming of age ’ of the main post-war baby boom , but has of course been influenced greatly at more local level by migration .
10 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
11 This has of course been much fostered by composers and arrangers of jazz , in the idioms of which these instruments have found their most fertile development .
12 Kellner 's importance as a transmitter of Bach works has of course been long recognized .
13 This has of course been a gradual process but has achieved results ( see figure 2 ) .
14 There has of course been some criticism in the books of the decision in Stilk v. Myrick which is somewhat differently reported in the two sets of reports , but Campbell 's reports have the better reputation and what I have referred to as being the law on this point is referred to as ‘ the present ’ rule in Chitty on Contracts : see , also , Cheshire and Fifoot .
15 The greatest improvement of all has of course been the removal of the old climate of repression and fear .
16 It 's certainly true that government guidance is far more guarded erm in its support for new settlements erm the guidance has has of course been touched on but I would adem emphasize the dates of this guidance , er P P G three , housing , March nineteen ninety two , P P G twelve , development plans and regional planning guidance , February nineteen ninety two , and draft P P G thirteen , May nineteen ninety three , just looking briefly at P P G three , erm P P G , and I think it 's fair to say that P P G three takes up far less welcoming stance than did the previous erm P P G erm it recognizes that new settlements are controversial , and that the scope is likely to be limited .
17 Its contribution has in part been developed through its critical understanding of what a working-class adult education might be , drawing on the best elements of the liberal adult education tradition to produce an education that respects people 's culture and experience , but also subjects it to analysis and questioning .
18 This does not lead directly to higher prices , but the burden has in part been passed on to the consumer in reduced variety .
19 In each case try to focus your mind on the part of your body that has in turn been made tense and relaxed .
20 As will have been apparent from the discussion on pre-emptive rights , this borrowing by the stock markets of an expression ‘ equities ’ derived from the activities of Courts of Chancery has in turn been borrowed by the companies ' legislation in its definition of ‘ equity securities ’ and ‘ equity share capital . ’
21 The federation has in turn been accused by Greenpeace of making false claims in an effort to maintain the market dominance of their own models .
22 An empirical orientation has in turn been reinforced by the experience of history — it is the approach that has always been employed and no external constraints have managed to force themselves on the nation to generate conditions in which a rationalist approach would be possible .
23 There is no genuine mutual consent , however , if the deal has in reality been initiated by duress or the threat of dismissal .
24 And yet , unless everything has in fact been done , there will also be no work .
25 It was felt at the time that the upward movement was out of line with the underlying trend and the latest figures analysed by Reward suggest it has in fact been short-lived .
26 Unrealised by himself , he has in fact been striving to do this since the dawn of civilisation .
27 In recent years there has in fact been an increased incidence of heart disease in women in their thirties and forties .
28 There is , of course , the Bill of Rights 1689 but it is just as much subject to repeal , and has in fact been impliedly repealed more than once , as any other Act of Parliament , and in any case has the effect rather of strengthening the hand of Parliament , than of protecting the ordinary citizen against its excesses .
29 Second , the fall in unemployment adds something to the theory that the economy has in fact been recovering for a good deal longer than generally realised .
30 One should comment however that God in God 's unity , if we are speaking of monotheism , has in fact been conceived as male and not female !
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