Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 advertise for birth parents
2 Kate Spencer-Nairn has been in wheelchair for eight years since her treatment at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.In a High Court damages case against Oxfordshire Health Authority , she 's claimed that her spine was n't properly shielded during radiation treatment for Hodgkin 's Disease .
3 After a year or so of disappointment , my Dad gently explained about air waves , and I reasoned that if Dick Barton could send his voice through the air waves , God certainly could .
4 Prof Eno took us aside and explained about mummy rabbits and daddy rabbits .
5 Representatives of the government of Papua New Guinea ( PNG ) and the secessionist Bougainville Revolutionary Army ( BRA ) met for peace talks in Honiara , the capital of the Solomon Islands , on Jan. 22 .
6 Following his commission as flight lieutenant RAFVR he specialized in upper-air analysis and forecasting for bomber groups .
7 This difference is emphasized when one examines how Porter proposes to go about cost reduction .
8 Or perhaps more accurately , the designed object is validated as museum display through the discourse of design history .
9 All the same there is a strong argument that low investment in the British economy is not just a matter of funds being unavailable ; there is a reluctance to borrow for investment purposes on the part of many enterprises .
10 There could have been a serious road accident with a dozen or so frightened animals careering about country lanes .
11 Lawyer Mark Scoggins advises some of our biggest insurance companies on workplace liabilities , he believes workers could soon be able to sue for stress damage , costing British firms and their insurers , millions .
12 Quite a lot of young girls , however , choose not to sue for child maintenance .
13 Chris Patten , architect of Mr Major 's victory , will remain as party chairman despite losing his seat in Bath but will be allowed to attend Cabinet only for party political discussions .
14 Certainly the general belief was that , having wantonly thrown away a Conservative majority , Baldwin could not remain as Party leader let alone Prime Minister ; and Randolph Churchill , the biographer of Lord Derby , comments that ‘ It is interesting to notice in Derby 's correspondence , and in that of other leading Tories of the time , how for the first two or three weeks after the Party 's defeat in the Election there was an unchallenged assumption that Baldwin could not survive the catastrophe . ’
15 Little is heard about policy effects or outcomes .
16 ‘ You 've heard about Industry Year , Vic ? ’
17 which is why I think a lot of things , places should be able to accommodate for shop owners and reduce their leases while this recession 's on
18 More specifically , Cornall noted ; ‘ cross-curricular themes may be all right but they can not adequately be taught through foundation subjects .
19 We were taught about hand grenades and explosives , and how to set ambushes and lay mines in the most effective pattern .
20 School children should be taught about health care .
21 On Wednesday , deputies meekly passed a declaration confirming the Russian president 's powers to rule by decree , appoint ministers himself until December and push through market reforms .
22 Moss says independent software vendors do n't need to wait for Unix suppliers to release integrated offerings to begin application development and porting work — if they develop to TME now , applications should move across to integrated operating systems ‘ almost intact , ’ he claims .
23 Moss says independent software vendors do n't need to wait for Unix suppliers to release integrated offerings to begin application development and conversion work — if they develop to TME now , applications should move across to integrated operating systems ‘ almost intact , ’ he claims .
24 IF DODGE City and Tombstone had to wait for movie star-type heroes to save them from the outlaws who were over-running the communities , would they stand by the lawmen if it looked like the bad guys were n't going to stay beat ?
25 When the kids are really young , it 's no use expecting them to wait for Christmas Day — and two four-month-old Siberian tiger cubs at Howletts animal park , Canterbury , are no exception .
26 BRITONS are becoming a nation of tactical shoppers , prepared to wait for sale bargains , say analysts Verdict Research .
27 Nell had said she would meet me this Sunday morning in the coffee shop in the Great Hall , and had told me that the crews often went there to wait for train time .
28 In May Maureen registered for war work and was directed to a clerical job in an office near Sarah 's .
29 But Osred provides a useful example of a king who could be sharply criticized for character defects in some Northumbrian circles though remembered as a generous patron of an ecclesiastical community in others ( see below , p. 147 ) .
30 They are competing for plum roles and staking their claim to be the No 1 box office attraction .
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