Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] us [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While he was away she never stopped reminding us at the top of her voice that she was n't a five by two .
2 ( Recall Fodor 's example of blinking when a good friend goes to poke us in the eye . )
3 He finally agreed to meet us for lunch at the Mayflower Hotel , but nothing happened between them .
4 Finally he agreed to provide us with an escort to Aussa .
5 Other radicals demanded that foreign policy should no longer be at the mercy of " the ideas , valuations and methods of a sporting aristo-plutocracy " or " the obscure convolutions of diplomatic staffs " , that " there must be an end of the secret diplomacy which has plunged us into this catastrophe " and that the working classes should " lay down our own terms , make our own proclamations , establish our own diplomacy " .
6 This accursed recession has blinded us to the fact that we are well placed , vis-a-vis our competitors in Europe , to create wealth .
7 ‘ Are you saying Mills was a traitor , that he helped to mislead us into thinking WIN was genuine ? ’
8 ‘ Whoever tried to kill us in the plane , whoever that was , has put us on the same side . ’
9 I am glad that she has joined us for the debate .
10 Almut Suerbaum , of the university of Munster , has joined us as the new Fellow in German ; as a specialist in Medieval German literature she continues the tradition of her predecessor .
11 Tony in charge of services and communication , Simon in charge of policy and development , Richard in charge of resource development , and although it 's not on the script and she said I must n't to the script , I ought to mention also Samantha who has joined us as head of communications on whom , you may thank for all the sort of visuals that we 're having , and the bright idea of videoing er , our Chairman .
12 It is your enthusiasm , dedication and sheer hard work which has placed us at the forefront of our industry .
13 Or is it the picture God has given us of himself ?
14 If we make sure of the right answer to these questions we will develop the full , clear picture of God that he himself has given us in his revelation .
15 He care for the whole of mankind and has given us in the Bible a guide-book by which to live .
16 From time to time we have copies of WWF News and other member communications returned to us because people have moved house and forgotten to inform us of their new address .
17 Their views are readily recognizable in a world where the fuss about the Turin Shroud has reminded us of a time when high hopes and claims of miracle were commonly attached to pieces of the true cross or heads of John the Baptist , where much Christian literature promises believers great success in life if only they have enough faith in God , and where men and women of political power still try to have God and his Church on their side , and to use their authority to enhance their own .
18 Greenstein has reminded us of Marshall McLuhan 's distinction between " hot " and " cool " media , " hot " media presenting a complete pattern of stimuli , " cool " presenting an incomplete pattern and therefore requiring greater processing and hence a higher level of engagement on the reader 's part .
19 He depicted the life of enslaved mine workers in dark colours , and was altogether sensitive to the suffering of the humble ( as Professor Strasburger has reminded us in Journ .
20 Our footsteps echoed as though there were other people walking to meet us from the far end .
21 He wants to provide us with the insight from his word and the power from his Holy Spirit that our lives should be transformed .
22 Does not my hon. Friend consider it surprising that the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) , who always wants to lecture us about the rule of law although we certainly need no lectures about it from him , comes to the House with , I think , two cases where crookedness was involved ?
23 Got ta find this two and a half percent that has dropped us in it !
24 ‘ The DoT has not given us definite promises and has discouraged us from expecting too much .
25 ‘ Our visit has impressed us with the skill and the quality of our soldiers , and with the risks they run .
26 Although we have answered some questions , our work has presented us with many more .
27 The ‘ Sinatra/Jagger/Jive Bunny 's Back ’ joke has seen us through many a long winter .
28 But nothing has prepared us for this divine outburst .
29 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
30 She 's come to visit us from London . ’
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