Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He then asked to see my legs .
2 Ironically , Gooch said in July this year that India would be his last trip with England ‘ because I do n't want to miss my daughters growing up ’ .
3 ‘ Do you want to borrow my car ? ’
4 I do n't want vast numbers of rare and special tropicals in the tank ( on this occasion ) but do want to indulge my taste for shoals of fish , which is what nature intended in most cases but rarely happens .
5 Dear Prime Minister , In spite of the most helpful representations and advice from my staff , I have decided to continue submitting my reports to you in the informal way I settled upon initially … ’
6 I have decided to continue submitting my reports to you in the informal way I settled upon initially …
7 I just do n't want to lose my grandson , that 's all . ’
8 ‘ I do n't really believe in marriage , but I did n't want to lose my husband either , so I gave in , ’ she explains .
9 I do n't want to lose my baby … ’
10 I do n't want to lose my men to you ! ’
11 ‘ Whatever they do will personally sadden me because I do not want to see my constituency chopped up , ’ he said .
12 He said he did n't want to see my baby , and that I had to go into a home for unmarried mothers .
13 I became so quiet and lonely and sometimes I did n't even want to see my husband ( after my daughter was born and when she was a baby ) .
14 So bang goes my tactic of inventing the so-called ‘ Maidstone ’ scene .
15 Little hand cutters are OK , I tend to lose my temper with them , but pro-type jigs will give a much neater result .
16 Little hand cutters are OK , I tend to lose my temper with them , but pro-type jigs will give a much neater result .
17 I am not particularly patient about unfinished business and I mean to see my mother happy and settled before you leave . ’
18 I might want to poke my tongue out at those new cameras as I slow down to pass them , but deep down even I know that they 're there for my protection .
19 I must say I expected to see my sister accuse Orlick of attacking her , but instead she seemed very pleased to see him .
20 Tom caught my eye behind her back and winked to acknowledge my presence on alien territory .
21 ‘ Who would want to kill my Antney ?
22 And you know , I do n't want to enforce my morals onto someone else , or my ethics , and I really would like to ask people do n't try and do that to other women either !
23 But they were kind : the man roused himself at my request to hammer a protruding nail in my shoe that had caused me discomfort , the woman interrupted her knitting to refill my pot of tea and make sure the meal was to my liking .
24 ‘ I 'm telling you ! ’ he shouted again , ‘ I 'll want to find my tea ready ! ’
25 ‘ He does n't tell me whether to go to meet my friends .
26 ‘ I sought to increase my powers , for to master the ancient art of sorcery , truly to master it , it is necessary to master all else .
27 He carried a bottle of water from the River Mississippi with which , he said , he planned to baptise my breast as a sign of love .
28 So , do you want to know my theory about your mystery man ? ’
29 I had arranged to meet my husband in a department store .
30 During the day I sit banging my drum and watching good actors singing my words .
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