Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] them by " in BNC.

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1 God has led them to believe it was rational , but now apparently he has cheated them by unfairly slipping in a mystery .
2 So how much will th if you want to replace them by one pipe how much will this pipe have ?
3 As your stock of effects grows , you will need to catalogue them by tape-number and counter-reference so that you can find them easily when you need them .
4 These people [ the Brazilian Indians ] are wild [ sauvage ] in the same way as we say that fruits are wild , when nature has produced them by herself in her ordinary way … they are still very close to their original simplicity … they are still governed by natural laws and very little corrupted by our own " .1
5 He feasted for months , for years , on a small pair of my slippers that I gave him ; I expect he has burnt them by now .
6 Prior to losing the mollies ( male and female ) a number of young were produced and since I also only have one tank , I decided to try to save them by suspending a net breeding trap in the tank and transferring them to it .
7 There are cases where owners genuinely believe that their pet cat has followed them by some mystical means to a new home several thousand miles away from the original one .
8 And again a man a removal man you see can leave cardboard boxes , you do n't need to have them by , we 'll collect them if you want .
9 Now , belatedly , they tried to take them by force , an exercise in which they failed despite the loss of tens of thousands of irreplaceable soldiers .
10 In the fine and fairly straight title-story of the first collection , a well-to-do Jewish family expels a poor boy to whom they feel they have been ‘ nice ’ and who has repaid them by sleeping with their daughter .
11 No one can doubt that it is far better to aim to prevent job problems arising than to try to cure them by means of a law suit .
12 perhaps he has lost them by now .
13 We can explain , correctly or incorrectly , our would-be beliefs on looking at things by reference to presentation appearances , but to try to explain them by reference to perceived-as appearances is to try to explain them by reference to themselves .
14 We can explain , correctly or incorrectly , our would-be beliefs on looking at things by reference to presentation appearances , but to try to explain them by reference to perceived-as appearances is to try to explain them by reference to themselves .
15 It has reinforced them by building them into practice budgets .
16 Men tried to burn the distaffs while the women tried to stop them by throwing buckets of water .
17 An attempt was made to accommodate them by founding a Marxist League , of Socialists and PVO .
18 Surely these workers are provided with Health and Safety equipment and should they not be made to wear them by someone in authority ?
19 These contributions are not shown in official statistics of educational expenditure , but in 1990 an attempt was made to quantify them by the Mail on Sunday , which commissioned a survey of a representative sample of primary schools by the National Foundation for Educational Research .
20 Fearful of the consequences of higher tea prices , the government has sought to stabilise them by fiddling the weekly Calcutta auctions .
21 He added that attempts were being made to snare them by hanging nets between trees .
22 And when said what it had meant to her , loosing personal jewellery and things that was sentimental value to , you know , the family that had died , and they were the only things she 'd got to remember them by , and so on .
23 In Europe police organisation is hierarchical , centralised and supervised by the government , all of which may account for the tendency to rely on police investigations while , at the same time , declining to constrain them by the kind of normative rules we find in Anglo-American law .
24 If the products are high quality , customers who have been persuaded to buy them by the advertising campaign will continue to buy , and the increase in sales will be long-lasting .
25 But , it 's probably a good long-term bet because of its more professional drawing tools , and extra features like converting text to outlines , 50 levels of undo , 200 named layers and locking objects in place to avoid moving them by mistake .
26 So he , he went , course he had us calling like I 'm calling Gemma , Gemma and Jade and so he is going calling them by their names !
27 Th drawing you see there used to perhaps be some like that there wide and then the er then that narrow well you 'd got to divide them by what they call drawing .
28 Unfortunately , you seem to have them by the wrong end , but , seeing as no amount of protestations will make you change your mind , I sha n't bother .
29 Dismissing all but a single guard who was burdened with a lantern on a pole , he began to lead them by the bridges and passageways which cut across the streets in a way which was arguably more direct and certainly less likely to be barred by persistent celebrants .
30 I know it 's gon na cost sending them by the way .
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