Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] you to " in BNC.

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1 She knew me as Matt and I did n't want to alert you to who I was until I 'd found out what was going on .
2 There are of course some positive signs around but also a danger that I want to alert you to : a growth in what I will call ‘ designer caring ’ .
3 It could also be that for some of you 1988 has also seen some trouble , a bereavement perhaps , that has shaken you to the foundations .
4 ‘ I 've come to escort you to the Academy , ’ Kopyion said .
5 But they will be designed to encourage you to be a long-term holder rather than to enable you to take a quick profit .
6 Keep it up and I 'll consider promoting you to Lance-corporal unpaid . ’
7 Your own haiku can have ‘ movement ’ as its subject , ‘ my town ’ , ‘ Spring ’ or whatever has moved you to powerful feeling .
8 Our questionnaire is designed to help you to sharp-focus on your own ‘ natural nature ’ .
9 If you do something at speed , it 's really the accumulation of everything that 's gone before that has got you to that point .
10 But Olsen has got you to the WC94 , so he must be doing something right ; - )
11 ‘ Next time you are in distress I will know to leave you to it .
12 The War Office has raised you to the status of a 4/ — wife [ the daily allowance ] ; what fun , darling !
13 Addressing himself to the inhabitants of the world , jinn , men and angels , he said , ‘ The Imam of our time has sent you his blessing and his compassion and has called you to be his special , chosen servants .
14 " Who has invited you to a dance ? "
15 ‘ And it was my plan that has brought you to your heart 's desire . ’
16 It has brought you to your knees
17 And I believe Bob has asked you to er , I think , collect some data erm , on trade in wheat and cotton erm , as an example .
18 We want to invite you to our home .
19 You have been so successful as a branch manager that the company has promoted you to the position of regional manager in charge of twenty shops all of whose managers work under the conditions outlined in situation 3 above .
20 I want to kiss you like a butterfly on mescaline , all over in a flurry of delirium , I want to bite you to the bones , to be so close to you there materialises a planet called us .
21 IT is probably unwise to record in print that a man who is not your lawfully wedded husband has taken you to the heights of unbridled rapture .
22 I refer to your letter of 30 October 1992 but will need to direct you to the District Council Planning Department for much of the information that you seek .
23 According to consultant Samantha Vandertoorn from The South London Natural Health Centre , the knowledge that you 're about to forget all your troubles in flotation could be just the incentive your body needs to get you to Westminster Bridge .
24 It is designed to push you to your limits , both physically and mentally , but the sense of personal satisfaction you will feel at the end of it will make it all worth while .
25 I asked her , " Would you mind if I have a boyfriend ? " and she said " It depends " and I said " What if I said somebody wanted to take me to the pictures ? " and it was , " If a boy wants to take you to the pictures , he 's only alter one thing .
26 ‘ I 've come to take you to her . ’
27 ‘ I 've come to take you to dinner , ’ he announced calmly .
28 ‘ Go on , take it , boy , and say thank you to Mrs M. ’
29 Say thank you to Uncle Luke . ’
30 WEDGWOOD helped the North Staffordshire Health Authority say thank you to charity fundraisers who spearheaded the area 's biggest ever public appeal .
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