Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that women " in BNC.

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1 Jacques Donzelot has argued that women actively colluded with doctors because of the new-found status that accrued to them within the family as educators of their children and as medical auxiliaries .
2 Keeping up appearances at work is paying off — a recent survey has revealed that women now account for 26% of managerial posts — a figure that 's trebled since the late 1970's .
3 Recent US research has shown that women who resist assault , either by showing aggression or physically fighting back double their chances of avoiding rape .
4 Other research has shown that women with a confiding relationship are much less likely to become depressed .
5 ‘ Research has shown that women take twice as long in a public loo — 80 seconds as against 45 — so you 'd have to have twice as many women 's lavatories to be truly equal . ’
6 The Windsor veteran has proposed that women be allowed to compete in the Guinness Ulster Mens league .
7 In the global implementation of this and all other programmes , WACC 's Forum Sector wants to ensure that women are adequately represented , that their concerns are taken seriously and that women 's perspectives of the media are considered .
8 It has meant that women 's groups of all kinds , even those outside mainstream feminism , can now quite legitimately organize around women-only issues .
9 In social science , this has meant that women have been virtually ignored , except as they related to men , and that the male has been seen as the norm .
10 Research has confirmed that women who continue to smoke and drink alcohol during pregnancy tend to produce smaller babies .
11 However , Sheila Payne , from the Department of Psychology , University of Exeter , has discovered that women being treated for breast or ovarian cancer were much more anxious half-way through their treatment than they had been at the beginning .
12 The Government has advised that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not eat liver , as very large doses of vitamin A taken over a long period may be associated with foetal abnormalities .
13 I 'm sure that 's true , but many of the letters I receive indicate that women are doing things because they , generally , have to live with leaking taps , bubbling pipes , cold radiators and all the other annoyances .
14 The interim results seemed to show that women with breast cancer who went to Bristol were twice as likely to die , and 3 times more likely to relapse , than patients undergoing conventional treatment only .
15 They strongly denied that changes would be used to ensure that women 's organisations were union-dominated .
16 Such emblems , in their different manifestations , seem to imply that women have the power to empathize with the animal kingdom , to tame wild creatures , and use their strength and attributes .
17 I would just like to say that women from the ethnic minorities , I 'm talking about our community and , they 've have children that have been born and brought up over here , we have double trouble cos we celebrate Christmas , New Year , Easter and then we uphold our own traditions and have o all our own festivals as well .
18 The room was twice the size of their back-street Holland Park offices but for a couple of hours all comers were invited to believe that Women 's Word was on the same financial footing as its big competitors .
19 As an undergraduate , still thinking of ordination , I visited a woman minister , and returned discouraged , having grasped that women were normally relegated to minor churches .
20 ‘ It 's about time people started to realise that women are already achieving the highest standards in all aspects of craft skills , ’ said Sui-ming .
21 The Japanese male seems to think that women have only recently developed skills and abilities they never had before .
22 The powerful London Society of Compositors managed to see that women were on the whole excluded from the capital , even if some employers who had moved to the provinces did employ women .
23 The stereotypical views held by agents of social control will tend to suggest that women are less delinquent and crime-prone than men , that they are not ‘ real ’ criminals .
24 We advertised , in fact , for people who wanted to smoking but could do with a little help , because I really do think that women do need a little help , a bit of support to do this .
25 erm But I do think that women need to have much more of a sense of their own power , or at least of the fact that they 're not as powerless as they think of themselves as being , and so they can say when the tutor puts his hand on their knee or something like that ‘ I 'm sorry , would you take your hand away , that 's not part of our relationship ’ or something that just so they do n't have to feel so bad about it .
26 I think in a very general way that men perhaps should be encouraged to realize that women also want to speak up for themselves .
27 But I do believe that women experience another , relentless denial of their powers , which begins as soon as they can speak , if not before , and makes the act of writing for them primarily an act of rebellion .
28 Observations of birth do suggest that women need to let go .
29 Typically it means that steps are taken to ensure that women do not take away a proportion of the kin group 's resources when they marry — which can mean variously , that women 's sexuality is tightly controlled , that women are given little choice about whom they marry , that there is a preference for choosing marriage partners from within the kin groups ( Tillion , 1983 ; Goddard , 1987 ) .
30 Some of the younger , more ‘ liberated ’ men did admit that women sometimes wanted to have sex rather than make love , but this was a fairly rare occurrence .
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