Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to see that happen , I trust members of the house do n't wish to see it happen .
2 If I was too embarrassed , too full of shame to go and see them , it was n't just my fault ; it was theirs too , because of the way they 'd brought me up ( God , I thought I 'd stopped using that excuse when I left Lochgair Primary School ) .
3 Well I do n't think we want to see that do we ?
4 We want to go that step further and win the Bledisloe Cup after narrowly missing it in the Second Test against the All Blacks last year ’ , he said .
5 At the same time , much good practice has developed that needs better dissemination and application .
6 However , over the past five years , a new industry has developed that makes and markets machines whose purpose and promise is that they can outthink humans in an arena traditionally thought to demand reasoning of the highest sort .
7 A large part of the dominant society at the time really believed that such subjects , and suggestions were more a figment of my neurosis and my hang-ups but time has proven that view to be untrue .
8 Anyway , I think Dexter has realised that asking you to resign was a mistake .
9 We also used to catch greenfinches that came on to the barley .
10 ‘ Nobody wants to see that happen again . ’
11 There 's things that I want to try that have n't been tried . ’
12 Blanche had increasingly come to accept that doing her best was good enough and that she did not need to measure herself against some ideal standard .
13 In arguing that companion animals , particularly dogs and cats , require freedom of movement and the company of other animals , one has to accept that allowing cats to roam freely and dogs to have a period of exercise off the lead is necessary to ensure good animal welfare .
14 This approach to psychogeriatric service provision is enthusiastically endorsed by its supporters , but others have expressed misgivings — for example , one survey has reported that referring general practitioners were suspicious of initial psychogeriatric assessments by non-medical disciplines .
15 THE NORTH WEST of Ireland Railway Society has reported that work on carriage underframe No. 30 is well in hand with new extension pieces in place , rust cleaned away and treated against further deterioration , ready for painting .
16 The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade has recommended that spent nuclear fuel from the country 's nuclear power plants be made safe through deep burial at a site yet to be determined .
17 And because Lotus is the market leader , Microsoft has ensured that Excel is fully compatible with 123 .
18 Constanza is able to put a name to it , she has seen that waterfront before but where ?
19 W. B. Coley has written that depending on wealthy patrons presented writers of the period with two difficulties : ‘ ideological inconstancy and the threat of the loss of the dependency itself . ’
20 It is all too easy to forget the sheer number of songs the man has written that have become pop standards , most of which were included in the two-hour show .
21 This section has argued that desired outcomes are typically chosen by clients , and that the exceptions to this are disproportionately private people bringing ‘ one off ’ cases .
22 The DoE has argued that waste from US bases is not covered by the Transfrontier Regulations which require close scrutiny of imported waste .
23 Newson ( 1979 ) has argued that process studies in geomorphology seek to quantify three systems ; the mechanical sediment system , the chemical system , and the hydrological system , and it is notable that progress towards the quantification of these systems has been achieved by greater cooperation of physical geographers with scientists in other disciplines and in response to requirements of engineers and planners for resource information .
24 Mr Major has said that setting up a Scottish parliament would lead to Scottish MPs becoming ‘ second class ’ , speeding the break-up of the United Kingdom .
25 This policy found little favor with the Pentagon which has said that maintaining these bases , for at least another 20 years , is a central priority in a new military doctrine , publicized under the title ‘ Discriminate Deterrence ’ .
26 Traditionally , the law has said that allowing someone who is terminally ill to die is lawful , but bringing about his or her death is unlawful , even if he or she consents or requests it .
27 Dr Mostafa Tolba , executive director of the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) , has said that damage to the ozone layer is worse than previously thought and has proposed advancing a ban on ozone-destroying chemicals by four years to the start of 1996 .
28 BAe has said that deal with the US firm will strengthen Corporate Jets ' balance sheet and that the sale was in the best interests of both shareholders and employees .
29 My right hon. Friend has made that point personally to farmers of Monmouth .
30 going away , going , she wants to buy that do n't she ?
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