Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , when the sexual behaviour of thousands of gay men has been studied over a number of years , sucking has n't shown up as a risk .
2 Other changes have included : * an increasingly imaginative use of the technologies available ; * a substantial increase in the rate at which manufacturers have introduced new products ; * changes in the relationship between volumes and values purchased ( for instance , less yellow fat is now eaten in the UK , but the value of fats consumed has not declined because more high value or value-added products , such as polyunsaturated fats , are being consumed ) ; * acceptance of the refrigerator as an essential kitchen item ; introduction of freezer cabinets , microwave ovens ( etc ) ; * increased priority of food preparation convenience , encouraging suppliers to market value-added foodstuffs ( such as pizzas , frozen ready cooked meals and so on ) ; * use of additives to preserve products , lengthen shelf-life etc .
3 An objection to liability in this case , advanced by Williams , is that the doctor who fails to treat has not done something ; he has merely failed to act , and an omission can not amount to an abetment .
4 In all cases the necessity of balancing professional and academic requirements has been recognised , with the inexorable move toward a ‘ graduate ’ profession being accepted responsibly , though more slowly than for similar professions : ‘ It is a matter for concern that , compared with other professions surveying has not made a greater impact upon university life and thought in general ’ ( Wells Report , 1960 ) .
5 The person chosen puts his face in the frame as if he is a picture and then he has to try not to laugh as the rest tell their best jokes and make the funniest expressions .
6 Everyone is familiar with the famously awkward passage in which he announces that he has come not to bring peace , but a sword .
7 With the possible exception of Mrs Major , who has to struggle not to look cheerful at the mention of leaving 10 Downing Street , and Sir Denis Thatcher ( ’ I 'm so bloody glad we 're not doing it this time ’ ) , every good political consort must learn how to be a good loser .
8 Nathan has said not to say his name .
9 This report Mr Chairman is already history which is as Mr has said not to say it does n't represent progress , it addresses for the first time the historical issues , it starts to address the lessons of the first quarter .
10 Chair , we do class as unsatisfactory those samples that the laboratory would covers do n't reach certain standards , whatever the standard may be , and that 's why we concentrate on that figure that the bathing unsatisfactory at one particular pool , where there was a serious problem .
11 BRITAIN 's government has decided not to give £6 million to a plan to build a cyclotron , a machine providing a controversial cancer therapy , at St Thomas 's Hospital in London .
12 The Financial Reporting Review Panel , which oversees financial reporting and ensures accountancy standards are adhered to , has accused two publicly quoted companies of failing to comply with Statements of Standard Accounting Practice ( SSAP ) and the 1985 Companies Act , but in both cases the Panel has decided not to use its powers under the Companies Act to apply for a court order revising the defective accounts .
13 He has been invited to talk to other committees in the past and has decided not to do so .
14 In the meantime , the Board is looking for ways to fund the deficit should it continue , but has decided not to charge the deficit as an additional burden upon those residents who are able to pay their own way from their own resources , and not to move from its established principle of offering care to those most in need towards a degenerate policy of offering care only to those who are most able to pay .
15 Legal representatives for Nelson refused to comment on the visit from the Stevens team or to indicate whether Nelson has decided not to proceed with legal actions against both the Prison Service and the BBC over the use of extracts from his ‘ jail journal ’ in television programmes without his permission .
16 It is easy to see why Mr Smith has decided not to target investment income .
17 Having failed to asset copyright on the 80386 name and 386 tag , Intel Corp is in a real bind over the P5 , and according to Computer Reseller News has decided not to call it the 80586 .
18 Unfortunately Hollywood Pictures , part of the ever-expanding Disney Corporation , has decided not to stage regional previews .
19 A mass meeting of sacked Timex workers in Dundee has decided NOT to rebel against last week 's peace deal and accept that their fight against the company is over .
20 British Rail has decided not to include the Allens West halt on the list of stops for a rush-hour service between Middlesbrough and Darlington .
21 Perhaps she has decided not to join us , ’ he added innocently , hugging to himself his knowledge of the dramatic scene he had encountered .
22 Against the advice of BR 's senior managers , he has decided not to sell BR in a single lump .
23 Imbert has decided not to sell anything from the show because of the poor state of the art market , and with Editions du Regard is publishing a book of the exhibition which will sell , at a loss , for FFr 250 .
24 The Department of Trade and Industry has decided not to refer the offer which topped Lord Hanson 's bid by about £150m .
25 Alternatively the Director General may confirm he has decided not to refer the agreement to the Court where : ( a ) any directly applicable provision of EC law applies to the agreement ; ( b ) the agreement has expired or has been terminated ; ( c ) all the relevant restrictions have been removed ; ( d ) the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has discharged the Director General from his duty to take proceedings where he is satisfied that the restrictions are not of such significance as to call for investigation by the Court .
26 THE government has decided not to refer to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission the proposed acquisition by media group Pearson of Thames Television , part of Thorn EMI , it was announced yesterday .
27 He has decided not to appeal against his conviction and sentence and has pledged to renew his contacts with the PLO immediately upon his release from prison .
28 And then at last that — that man just announces that he has decided not to press charges .
29 The assistant chaplain at Long Lartin , in her 40's , has decided not to press charges .
30 It was extraordinary , he said , given the bill 's political sensitivity , ‘ that Mr MacGregor has decided not to serve on the committee .
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