Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Office hibernators are sporadic attenders , preferring to hibernate at home ( or aestivate on hot beaches ) .
2 BBC commentator Brooking ( 44 ) admitted speeding at Ketteringham in Norfolk .
3 So he did , and sick indeed he was , for Brother Richard found him grey and shaking on his bed , when he failed to attend at Compline .
4 Then he looked up and said , ‘ Celia , you do n't want to remain at Brentwoods for ever , do you , to have our child turn to some third party for its emotional and creature comforts , to get the odd pat on the head from a parent at six o'clock of an evening ?
5 The probability is , that given equal weather , other conditions , and price , the average British holidaymaker would prefer to holiday at home : What we would have to do is extend that appeal to people abroad , by service , value and the many unique features which Britain had on offer .
6 Ca n't be certain , but it looks as if Allied Signal Corp chief executive Lawrence Bossidy has ruled himself out of the running for the top job at IBM Corp : he says that although he is ‘ flattered to be mentioned as a candidate for chairman of another company , I intend to remain at Allied-Signal to complete the job I came here to do . ’
7 The Scotsman reported on I September that " members of the Women Compositors " , Readers " and Monotype Operators " Union intend to remain at work in the event of a strike " .
8 I can see his point in a way ; he likes a full social life … and he does n't want to sit at home with a wife who is depressed and can only talk about babies . ’
9 ‘ He got sacked at Newcastle , but sometimes I think the game can be cruel by not giving you enough time to make your mark . ’
10 He had been taught drawing at Eton by ‘ Sammy ’ and Sidney Evans , of the long-established dynasty of drawing masters , and in Oxford at the Ruskin School and by the Slade professor ( Sir ) Charles Holmes [ q.v. ] , but he was over forty before his individual style was formed .
11 After I have put the phone down I sit gazing at Kyle on the opposite side of the airwell .
12 It is understood , in any case , that Keegan would not want to work at St James 's Park with Sir John holding control in the boardroom .
13 This publication contained detailed descriptions of persons who failed to appear at court to answer a criminal charge .
14 He failed to appear at court to answer a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm which allegedly happened in Durham Prison last July .
15 We agreed to meet at school the following week .
16 Mahmoud had a case that morning in the Mixed Tribunals and Owen wanted to send a letter to England so they agreed to meet at noon at the Post Office .
17 that tend to appear at Christmas ,
18 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
19 He also wrote a two-volume work on The Architecture of Robert and James Adam ( 1922 ) , which led to work at Adam 's Royal Society of Arts and in 1925 to his being consultant to the eighth Earl of Jersey at Osterley Park .
20 Yesterday Elstob , of Trafalgar Terrace , Darlington , admitted wounding at Teesside Crown Court .
21 The first school he helped build at Khumjung in 1961 started with 40 pupils and one teacher — it now has 400 pupils and 17 teachers .
22 For him this convenience has been largely a negative factor for he thought of America as offering no other comparable diversion ; there were ‘ no beer gardens — no public concerts ’ and the question he asked was ‘ Who wants to sit at home and play bridge every night ? ’
23 He is the vital element , a striker with so much potential that , if Graham Taylor gives him the same encouragement he has received at Highbury , he will become Gary Lineker Mark II — only better .
24 ‘ We are fearful that older people who want to remain at home may not have the choice because the cost may be more than local authorities can afford ’ , says divisional director Evelyn MeEwen .
25 Mrs Burrows called this afternoon while you were on the shore and said that Harry was most anxious you should take part in some theatricals the young people want to perform at Easter .
26 She , too , has taught at Ayton and at Redhouse , Stockton , and is currently on supply at Brambles Farm , Middlesbrough .
27 Sally Grace , a dialogue coach who has taught at RADA , has been sent down to Eldorado 's £2 million set in southern Spain to help improve the actors ' diction .
28 Sadly , until his behaviour becomes more reliable he has to remain at arm 's length .
29 ‘ Informants tell us that the enemy has halted at Annan town .
30 The rate is expected to remain at 54% until the end of the century .
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