Example sentences of "[noun] call for a " in BNC.

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1 While the Georgian delegation called for a return to military positions occupied prior to Oct. 1 , the Abkhazians insisted on a complete withdrawal of Georgian troops from their territory .
2 The former Charlton Athletic manager has been linked with Spurs , with Peter Shreeves under pressure and fans calling for a new manager .
3 On 26 October the Chronicle called for a National Guard which would unite " the most respectable and efficient of the middle and labouring classes " .
4 In June 1962 the NCCL had adopted a resolution from the Connolly Association calling for an inquiry into civil liberties in Northern Ireland ; the NICCL seems to have been set up in response and as its first action , in July , it held a meeting to prepare a memorandum on civil rights to present to Mr Justice Bose of the International Commission of jurists , who was visiting Belfast .
5 When , on 4 December , Suenens called for a complete redrafting of the schema on the Church , he was greeted with prolonged applause and backed by Montini .
6 His imitations of other voices calls for a good sense of mimicry , and should bring the dreariness of his life into focus .
7 Telegrams calling for a substitute teacher at very short notice in some far flung place were not unusual and had to receive prompt attention .
8 The national radio , Voix du Zaïre , reported that in Kinshasa on April 10 a peaceful student demonstration calling for a national conference had been dispersed by troops using tear gas .
9 * The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has launched a report in Brussels calling for a radical overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy .
10 Eugene Lapointe , head of the world 's wildlife trade monitoring body , hopes to find a compromise between those African nations calling for a total ban on ivory trading and those arguing for trade to be controlled .
11 One of the GIs called for a pen from his friend , caught it deftly in the air and planted his huge boot on the handlebar of Tony 's tricycle to write the address .
12 With the development of strong , authoritarian , state-like bodies , human control over arid and semi-arid areas was extended through irrigation works , whose construction and maintenance called for an organization which Wittfogel ( 1957 , p.136 ) characterized as ‘ benevolent in form and oppressive in content . ’
13 The script called for a pistol shot , the thump of Williams falling to the ground and Paddick left with the last line .
14 When , at its first meeting in 1831 , the British Association called for a report on the state of mathematics it elicited only three sections , on algebra , trigonometry and the arithmetic of sines , which almost completely ignored the major developments of the previous century and a half .
15 Rebel supporters from the Barnet Supporters ' Association called for a boycott of all matches .
16 Rebel supporters from the Barnet Supporters ' Association called for a boycott of all matches .
17 ‘ The last time I went to Confession the priest called for a packet of green Rizlas and an ounce of Lebanese Gold . ’
18 In May 1915 the Italian and Swiss Socialist Parties called for a conference of socialists who had ‘ remained true to the old principles of the International … and were ready to fight for the mobilization of Socialists in all countries against war . ’
19 In 1972 the United Nations called for a ten-year moratorium on all commercial whaling to be enacted through the IWC .
20 The G77 group of developing nations called for a commitment from all developed nations to meet this target by the year 2000 .
21 No date for the target to be met has yet been set , although several nations called for a deadline of 2000 for western Europe and 2005 for eastern Europe .
22 When the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and the first killings began , one might have expected these siren voices calling for a third way to fall silent .
23 This coalition must hold together in the post-war settlement and resist the siren voices calling for a huge re-arming of the region .
24 It would push a powerful Arab country back into implacable confrontation with Israel just when voices calling for a peace settlement are gaining strength throughout the Arab world .
25 Nasrallah argued that those parties calling for a boycott of the elections had nevertheless in 1982 participated in the presidential elections which , he said , had been held " under Israeli guns " .
26 Lower windspeeds will need a longer front leg ; stronger wind calls for a shorter front leg .
27 In his article , McAlpine calls for an inquest into the activities of the youngsters .
28 It was a view which in essence called for a confederal or intergovernmental mould , rather closer perhaps to the British stand than to the vision of Monnet or Spaak .
29 SUPPORT for Britain 's coal industry came last night from an unexpected quarter as the right wing pressure group Aims of Industry called for a wide ranging review .
30 This followed United States calls for a multilateral effort to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons development programme [ see also this page ] .
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