Example sentences of "[noun] feel the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , even supporters feel the movement sometimes goes too far in its quest for souls .
2 City : Shops feel the pinch from theft
3 Sometimes Ellen felt the need for some understanding older woman in whom to confide .
4 But even if Lenin was correct in his analysis of the capitalist-imperialist roots of the First World War , by the 1950s and 1960s the capitalist global system and the Third World had both changed so much that many Marxists felt the need to generate new theories to explain what was happening and to show the way forward from a political point of view .
5 Woolley felt the blast wash over his SE , pushing it aside , and he turned with the motion and set course for home , dissatisfied at the inefficiency of it all .
6 Bernice felt the Doctor grip her arm urgently .
7 Rex felt the cold muzzle of the gun as it entered his left ear .
8 Rex felt the knee as it made contact with his groin .
9 Dot felt the room lurch away , while the milk jug with its bead-decorated muslin cover , the fly-paper dangling from the lamp above the table , the rosy faces of the gathered people flew round through the air .
10 When she was laid on the bed Dot felt the room spin .
11 Chay Blyth feels the crew are all , by nature , high achievers who could have responded to the call for any challenging adventure .
12 Meredith felt the memory freeze her bones , remembering how she 'd comforted her paralysed grandmother during the long wait for the ambulance , knowing this was her third heart attack .
13 To her annoyance , Meredith felt the blood surge into her face .
14 Their practice felt the stamp of personalities , starting with the formidable John Reith .
15 The Thatcher administration felt the behaviour of the tabloid press in invading people 's privacy was one such matter — although their behaviour outraged all civilized standards , the worst offending newspapers were owned by political sympathizers like Rupert Murdoch .
16 Previous requests have been turned down as the Transport Department felt the road did not meet criteria for imposing speed restrictions .
17 It seems clear that writers for the Review felt the need to bring , in Marie St Glare Byrne 's words , " something real into the nightmare world where " stylistic " evidence flourishes " .
18 Hari felt the colour rise to her cheeks .
19 Her mother 's voice was fainter and , for the first time , Hari felt the fear communicate itself to her .
20 Hari felt the impulse to ruffle William 's hair but she knew he would resent being treated like the child he was , boys grew up quickly in the harsh realities of World 's End .
21 Many manufacturers felt the production of cars was becoming costly and as a result the sport dwindled slightly in Europe but after the Americans introduced the famous Indianapolis 500 in 1911 , interest picked up again on the continent .
22 Solowka feels the attitude of the group was different in the early days and the commitment was not as strong .
23 However , Sage feels the system has its attractions for small businesses , particularly if they intend to network Sage software and want guarantees of system compatibility .
24 Clinging piggy-back to her mother 's back , Dot felt the curtain of bunchy black net on the side of Gloria 's hat flick at her face .
25 Russian pole vaulter Sergei Bubka felt the corrective lash for his pretension on one of the strangest evenings on the mesmerising Montjuic hill where the Games were held .
26 Schellenberg felt the excitement rise inside him .
27 ‘ I love you ! ’ he gritted , over and over , the words torn from him , and Kathleen felt the world splinter all around her .
28 Who would have thought that even at the beginning of this century the poet felt the need for time to stand still .
29 Marie felt the conversation drifting away from what should concern them most .
30 When everything had seemed to be sorting itself out , when the way ahead seemed , for the first time in ages , to be solid under her feet , Marie felt the path crumbling away in front of her .
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