Example sentences of "[noun] work [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 India 's young idealists of the early Seventies gave up bright futures to work with the poorest .
2 With superb research facilities and growing international demand for our expertise , CTL gives you the opportunity to work at the forefront of toxicological research .
3 One has transferred to the communications department and all were offered the opportunity to work for the new contract firm .
4 Alistair Scott and John Shrewsbury were kind enough to give me the opportunity to work with the BBC and I hope to have the privilege again .
5 ‘ He is not in good health , and he asks only that his nephew , Nathan , who is sixteen , shall be given the opportunity to work with the firm , starting at the lowest rung of the ladder , to learn the publishing business thoroughly .
6 Where carers admit that abuse has occurred , or are fearful that it may , the worker may have the opportunity to work with the carer ( and where possible , the old person ) on a future strategy .
7 Her role in Selling Hitler offered Julie , one of five children , the opportunity to work with the director Alistair Reed .
8 As an organisation the Trust owes much to the tourist industry and it welcomes the opportunity to work alongside the regional tourist boards and the travel trade .
9 ‘ It was a strange situation , but it gave me a unique opportunity to work alongside the workforce under difficult conditions .
10 After all , becoming a provisional member of Equity does n't give them work , it merely gives them the opportunity to work in the career for which they have trained .
11 However a number of options are open to offer mentally handicapped people a comparable opportunity to work in the community .
12 He found an opportunity to work in the biochemistry laboratory at Cambridge , and then came to Florey .
13 The wife may be unable to get a job and may have little opportunity to work in the house especially if it is customary for servants to do all cooking and housework .
14 Analysts were also agreed that its modest size reflected OAS willingness to work with the Bazin regime for a negotiated settlement , since economic sanctions had thus far not been effective in securing the reinstatement of Aristide [ see p. 38905 ] .
15 Gould found that he could put those skills to work via the Labour Party — ‘ If the metal shop at school was hell on earth , distributing leaflets and canvassing was heaven , ’ he says .
16 Frenzied attempts to work off the festive flab can lead to muscle and tendon injuries as people try to do too much too quickly .
17 To quote Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 165 ) again : ‘ The moves beyond Rayner to the FMI represent attempts to work within the political and organisation system , rather than against it and to couch debate in terms of means rather than ends ’ .
18 It resulted in last year 's decision to close the European exploration headquarters in Glasgow with the transfer of key personnel to work from the main North Sea operational base in Aberdeen , a process which should be completed by the end of this year .
19 The commission created a subcommission of members in Paris with Friedel as chairman to work on the document .
20 ‘ In cases of multiple debt , we reckon on 12 hours to work through the inquiry , ’ she added .
21 He then goes on to criticise Labour for suggesting that priority spending on education and training can help overcome the difficulties of the balance of payments deficit — because such investment programmes take generations to work through the system .
22 The Secretary of State for Education and Science has referred to LEAs ' and schools ' ‘ important responsibility to work towards the promotion of equality of opportunity for the different ethnic groups who are part of our national life ’ .
23 Some used this expertise to work in the private sector as consultants advising on urban policy ; in one case a firm that employed no Black people was selected for its ‘ inner city expertise ’ to evaluate the Handsworth Task Force in inner Birmingham which it had previously also been paid to advise but which was now being shut down to make room for a newly fashionable Urban Development Corporation , this time in the Birmingham Heartlands ( sic ) .
24 Nuadu had said that the Robemaker and CuRoi took sacrifices from the ordinary people of Ireland ; strong young sons to work at the Looms , although presumably they would not actually do this work themselves .
25 Floy remembered what Nuadu Airgetlam had said about the Robemaker taking sacrifice from the ordinary Irish people and putting the sons to work in the Dark Workshops and guessed that the people had simply lost heart .
26 ‘ I 'm going to Alès to work in the municipal library , ’ she replied .
27 It is unrealistic in these times to work on the assumption that profit sharing ratios , once fixed , are sacrosanct only ever to be changed when the number of partners changes .
28 This demonstrated the importance of family factors in determining the occupational choice of rural school-leavers — nearly 42 per cent of the respondents stated that they had been influenced by their family in their decision to work on the land .
29 The escalating costs associated with handling this raw material and the uncertain consequences of future government asbestos regulation … have necessitated our decision to work towards the elimination of asbestos from all our friction products and this eventuality has become an essential part of our long-term production and manufacturing plans .
30 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
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