Example sentences of "[noun] set on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were low domes set on tall , narrow drums , possibly based in design upon the wooden Cathedral of S. Sophia at Novgorod ( destroyed by fire 1045 ) .
2 In the United States 35 states have legislation requiring all hospitals to provide a standard data set on each patient treated .
3 When you decide to get married , fix yourself up with someone of the old school , not one of those feminist flibbertigibbets of the kind Jim and I have landed ourselves with — undomesticated , never there , eyes set on further career mountains to be climbed .
4 Not only should this make network analysis more efficient , but should increase potential for looking at larger data sets on smaller ( and hence cheaper ) computers .
5 The plain exterior circular walls partly supported the covering conical roof but , inside , six columns set on elliptical plan , assisted in this support .
6 The interior is unusual with columns set on circular plan but with flatter , straight sides to the exterior walls .
7 WEATHER-beaten Constantinos Kaloude has one of those lived-in faces that could have seen the sun set on 30,000 different horizons .
8 Wordsworth , looking out of the low , latticed window , said , ‘ How beautifully the sun sets on that yellow bank ! ’
9 His artillery , standard three-pounder [ 1.4-kg ] guns , was arranged in five pairs between the various front-line regiments , with some additional guns and Coehorn mortars set on high ground to the rear and to the left .
10 Women sailors who might not have their sights set on such lofty goals — or , for that matter , those who have — will be interested in a seminar about women 's sailing to be held in February .
11 Traditionally these courses are for the more able , particularly those with their sights set on higher education .
12 Your uncle must be years and years older than she is , and anyway , I rather gathered she 'd got her sights set on some fellow whose name she would n't tell me .
13 Carl Llewellyn , again riding Party Politics , has his sights set on Red Rum 's record of three Grand National victories .
14 Kylie however has her sights set on another star , and another decade , the 1940s .
15 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
16 After all , he reminded himself , he was Prior William now and had his eye set on further promotion .
17 Type is often set with extra space ; eg 9 point set on 10 point .
18 Far from the slush of Hollywood 's romantic fifties films set on Balinese shores , this tropical island has a magical culture and scenery which enchant all who visit .
19 The Welsh Black has a deep , long body set on short legs .
20 By adopting this methodical approach you should avoid the pitfalls and successfully answer any questions set on this subject .
21 Questions set on these lines have good diagnostic potential .
22 One way in which the flexibility of microprogramming can be used is in providing several different computer architectures and instruction sets on one basic hardware .
23 Massively symbolized by the uniform itself , as Douglas ( 1973 : 16 ) indicates , this obsession tends to focus on the body , for ‘ the more value people set on social constraints , the more value they set on symbols of bodily control ’ .
24 The straight ratio mode ( hard knee combined with peak operation ) is really quite flexible in adding punch to drums and bass , and the midway setting on all the controls is the most sensible place to start .
25 It abolished the limits set on secondary educational expenditure in 1902 , and removed the exemptions to the requirement to attend school between the ages of 5 and 14 .
26 The full council will confirm the charges set on 4 March .
27 Bulstrode Whitelocke , English ambassador there in 1653 – 54 , was given £2,500 worth of the metal which was eventually cast into guns for the navy ( though he also received a miniature of Queen Christina in a diamond setting and the heir to the throne , the future Charles X , gave him a gold box set on one side with diamonds and with Charles 's portrait on the other ) .
28 Aperture setting on any aperture priority auto camera should be at least f8 .
29 There were thus two examination systems set on diverging courses for membership of the same Division .
30 Matters came to a head when Anthony Coburn delivered his second storyline , a science fiction adventure set on thirtieth-century Earth , titled simply ‘ The Robots ’ .
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