Example sentences of "[noun] start [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 It had been one of those deep , deep sleeps ; the kind when you do n't know a thing until your mum starts yelling at you for the umpteenth time that you 're going to be late for school if you do n't get up .
2 A turning point may be reached if income starts to rise at a decreasing rate ; investment will start to fall and as soon as the fall in investment exceeds the rise in consumption , income will start to fall .
3 Eleanor started hinting at an affair .
4 When they had gone , Maisie started to pick at the grass with her fingers .
5 Dig in when you can feel flower heads starting to form at the base .
6 Someone on the roof started shooting at her .
7 Then , as it slid over Jekub 's angular shape , its own weight started to tug at it …
8 In comparison , our ears start to hurt at 150 decibels .
9 The formation started to build at 8:27am when the F-5A joined the Valkyrie .
10 After Children in Flight , parcels of food and clothing started arriving at Dovercourt .
11 Harry had tensed at the criticism , but Scarface laughed and the whole bar started roaring at Bull 's subtlety and wit .
12 The girl started clawing at Maggie .
13 If he hurried he could easily cycle to the barrow , make a thorough search , and be back in his bed before the household started to stir at 7 .
14 Maggie started going at me about whether I really had finished the affair yet .
15 Business starts continue at a high rate , with more than 1,000 per week throughout the spring and summer under enterprise allowance alone .
16 Praxis believes once the independent software vendor community starts nibbling at its bait then the momentum behind ANDF will gather irreversible pace .
17 Details of the troop deployment were formulated by the Saudis and Dick Cheney , the US Defence Secretary , on Aug. 6 , and the next day Bush formally announced that King Fahd had requested that US ground forces and war-planes be dispatched to Saudi Arabia to deter Iraqi aggression ; US combat aircraft and troops started to land at Dharhan in eastern Saudi Arabia that day .
18 Arthur starts looking at his watch about seven .
19 What I 'm getting at is there 's no reason why we need , we should wait until after the surveys to start looking at trips .
20 They drove through the night to start unloading at the Apollo the following lunchtime .
21 So he and Mr Skinner started pointing at Tory MPs , appearing to be arguing about precisely how many of them had fallen asleep during the Health Secretary 's speech .
22 Knappertsbusch started screaming at him from the pit and that frightened me .
23 But Hop + Jump started laughing at this , saying ‘ You 're not Nutmeg ! ’
24 On one flight from England , carrying some of our personal possessions , bells started ringing at the Customs Desk — and my carving knife was temporarily confiscated in case I attempted to hijack the plane !
25 George Ward started smoking at nine … at one time he 's was getting through eighty a day …
26 Consequently there is a change in excitation and the motor starts to accelerate at a rate dictated by the load parameters .
27 Mowing can usually be done less regularly during September as the grass starts to grow at a slower rate .
28 Furthermore , the graph on page 44 shows that homelessness has become an ever-increasing feature of the Tory years , Homelessness began to hit home in a big way when the property-owning democracy started suffering at the hands of the repo-man .
29 This means that the machine must know which stitch of the pattern to start knitting at , in order for stitch one of the pattern to fall at the N1 cam ( stitch one being the stitch at the left of the pattern on the mylar sheet ) .
30 ‘ Not only are people starting to stay at home but the next danger is that there is so much football that viewers will start saying , ‘ Do I really want to watch this ? ’ ’
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