Example sentences of "[noun] find [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 American Express found themselves responsible for hundreds of barking duffel bags .
2 From this time Louis-Napoleon found himself alone with his mother , as a result of his elder brother 's going to live with their father , for ex-King Louis had established himself in Tuscany and had insisted that his wife entrust their elder son to his charge .
3 Bernice found herself unable to look away , inexorably drawn to the guilt and sadness she saw in Cheryl 's face , and which she blamed herself for .
4 Opren , the anti-arthritis drug , was banned after its large-scale use and Mexico found itself unable to meet its international debts because it had discovered enormous oil resources .
5 Lee jumped and opened her eyes to find herself alone in the restroom apart from one of the girls who worked there , who was leaning over her and gently shaking her shoulder .
6 On the negative side , funerals were becoming so much more secular in outlook , appearance and context that the surviving guilds and fraternities found themselves hard-pressed to provide all that made for an average funeral of the new type ; the rules were being rewritten by a public which no longer wished to perpetuate the simple ritual hitherto provided and which were looking for a pageantry close to that of the great baronial funerals as performed by the College of Arms , a corporation of heralds and part of the Royal Household .
7 Conran found himself beleaguered and somewhat bemused as to why his group should suddenly be the focal point of so many would-be suitors .
8 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
9 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
10 Mola found himself commanding difficult campaigns in northern Spain and was damaged by the Carlist connections about which he himself felt uneasy .
11 Liège municipal council found itself bankrupt in September 1989 , when Gemeentekrediet , a publicly owned financial institution which gave credit to municipalities , refused to grant the city a new loan ( in addition to its debts which already totalled BF30,000 million ) , unless a guarantee from the Walloon regional government was obtained .
12 The French decision sparked serious disturbances in Spanish Morocco and , on 15 March , Spain found itself obliged to concede that it , too , would relinquish control over its protectorate .
13 Ruth found herself obliged to share a bedroom with Polly Beard .
14 His company decimated by murderous shell-fire even before reaching the objective , Jubert found himself alone , possibly the only surviving officer , and sent off a message to his battalion commander : ‘ I do not know where I am , but the position is of the first importance , and I have only ten men to hold it . ’
15 Leith blanked off for a moment as , with sinking spirits , she felt it would be a wonder if Sebastian found himself free to return to pay something off his mortgage the Christmas after next , let alone this coming one .
16 As the mines became deeper companies found themselves unable to provide the necessary capital for winding and pumping equipment .
17 The connection was especially good , almost as if they were face to face , and Zen found himself resentful that he should be deprived of the usual screen of interference on an occasion when he could find nothing to say .
18 From 1973–5 the Soviet Union sold Peru aircraft , tanks , surface-to-air missiles and artillery on very generous terms and when , in 1978 , the Peruvians found themselves unable to maintain payments for their weapons , the Soviet Union rolled over the debt until 1981–8 , indicating their reluctance to relinquish this sole market .
19 Eston Baths would be one of the centres under threat if Langbaurgh Council finds itself charge-capped by the Government .
20 , If you have the misfortune to find yourself airborne with a failed comm set and your aircraft is fitted with a serviceable transponder , which code should you select on the transponder ?
21 Churchs found itself unable to compete any longer with the larger mills .
22 During most of April , von Zwehl 's VII Reserve Corps found itself preoccupied in a see-saw battle for one small feature , the stone quarries at Haudromont .
23 By trying to combine a theocratic rule in the old Jewish style with a principality on the Hellenistic model , the Hasmoneans found themselves involved in more than ordinary difficulties and contradictions .
24 Piper found herself unable to meet the physicist 's gaze .
25 It is increasingly likely that anyone who takes an active role in any organisation will at some point find themselves involved in setting up a ‘ special event ’ .
26 The applied mathematicians found themselves able to claim that ‘ industry ’ also approved of ‘ modelling ’ , numerical methods and so on , as well as being able to derive resources of personnel and money from companies with which to further the promotion of their version of ‘ mathematics ’ . [ … ]
27 Hendrique found himself unable to hold Graham 's gaze and in his disorientation he turned away , unconsciously easing the pressure on the pad .
28 However , local farmers found themselves unable effectively to combat the pollution or even to extract adequate damages from the company .
29 For all that , and two years after she first conceived , Lindsay Fort found herself pregnant again .
30 The poet gave it to Alice Stopford Green wife of that frail and ‘ singularly attractive ’ priest of St. Philip 's , Stepney , who awoke one day to find himself famous with the publication of his Short History of the English People , one of the most vivid and colourful of histories , first issued in 1874 and later ( 1877–80 ) expanded to four handsome illustrated volumes .
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