Example sentences of "[noun] she might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 His betrayal of Nicola Hammond ought to have annoyed her — not for Nicola 's sake , but because she was reminded of risks she 'd taken ; of risks she might have to take .
2 And perhaps with Linnet at her side she might pluck up courage , one of these days , to pay them a call .
3 It was just as well , she thought ruefully , that he was an easy , undemanding companion , and had it not been for the throbbing behind her eyes she might have considered the evening pleasant enough .
4 Any personal animosity she might feel for Niall Grant must be set aside .
5 There was only time to whisper his name before his lips claimed hers in a kiss of such tenderness and passion that her doubts were scattered along with any inhibitions she might have been harbouring .
6 Jean would appreciate a note from you about what royalties she might expect in the near future , remembering she 's had a 500 advance .
7 It had been decided that the child was too young to understand and as a result she might suffer unpleasant after-effects , rather as people tend to do after eating something which disagrees with them .
8 No but I 'll , if I say it on every tape she might get the hint .
9 Any fears or doubts she might have had were immediately swept away by his overwhelming joy and pleasure .
10 His husky moan of arousal as she placed her hands on his warm chest shattered the last remnants of any uncertainty she might have felt , and her arms closed about him as she revelled in the hard pressure of Ross 's body , the slight roughness of his masculine jaw as her silk gown was torn away and he pressed his burning lips to the soft , fragrant valley between her full breasts .
11 He had even made a suggestion about a piece she might write on the role of women in the Tory Party , perhaps in the Government Whips ' Office .
12 ‘ I am not going to get into what kind of therapy she might find herself in , but clearly she would need all the help she could get from whatever source was available .
13 She did n't sign , and whatever words she might have been able to lipread were lost because the lighting in the delivery room was terrible .
14 But to show such contempt , such disregard of what talent she might possess — that was what she found unforgivable .
15 Best to say nothing , perhaps — and she watched him pick up his hat and dash off to save McAllister from any dragons she might meet between Vetch Street and the rectory .
16 At the time , Shana a picture researcher was expecting the couple 's second child and , having miscarried the previous year there was a fear she might do so again .
17 She carefully avoided the personal for fear she might learn more about me … a lesbian , a woman who loved other women .
18 She raised a hand to touch the place , as if by such an action she might capture the feeling forever .
19 He suggested books she might read and when she had , she wrote to him about them .
20 Not even the momentary flattery she might have expected , to make it tolerable for them both .
21 He indicated Danny , Belinda , sublimely oblivious to the possible havoc she might have caused , and the others , who were patiently waiting .
22 It was conceivable , she supposed , that if she remained in the village she might see him from time to time , and if she was lucky , she thought bleakly , he might even speak to her .
23 After the Act she might have believed that she had reasonable grounds for making her demand and that her threat was a proper means of reinforcing the demand .
24 — any second she might walk in …
25 Claudia said , glancing at the watchful man , who was leaning against the door-frame as if to prevent any thought of escape she might have .
26 However much she might have set herself up to be hurt , she told herself defiantly , selecting white Bermudas and a cool Chinese-style silk blouse from her small selection of clothes , however much of a fool she might have made of herself , she would n't change a thing .
27 Sometimes , she fixed Ariel with her eyes , where albumen seemed to have congealed and dimmed to a blind blue , and wished her and any offspring she might bear all the evils she could call down upon them .
28 There were other legits she might have bribed or bullied into a similar sharing , but the stairs and the other dusty corners of the World were safer for someone who lived by her knife and her wits .
29 Everybody else was in France , and she was afraid that if she stayed at home she might fall in love with some disabled veteran and marry him .
30 And , with a horrified shudder , it occurred to Folly that if she stayed any longer in the corridor she might hear more than talking in the room beyond the door .
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