Example sentences of "[noun] do [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the antique mirrors , which at his direction had been cut into squares in order to line the dining-and-dance room , were now tarnished and occasionally flew off the wall ; and the two murals done by Matisse had been sold to Americans .
2 Research done for Philips testifies to the importance that the police now attach to interrogation of suspects and the procuring of confessions from the guilty .
3 Peterson already had an agenda of his own drawn up and this was agreed to with the proviso that it included a brief historical summary of research done at Brigham Young University .
4 I was greatly encouraged by Herb Nahapiet 's article in your May issue , introducing the research done at Bath .
5 Based on research done at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Centre or , PARC as it is widely known , the Apple Lisa was the first commercial micro to take these concepts to the mass market .
6 Occasionally a joint interview will be held , as in the research done by Pahl and Pahl ( 1971 ) , which investigated the relationship between senior managers and their wives , and by Edgell ( 1980 ) who researched middle-class married couples .
7 In support of this contention he quotes research done by Thorpe , who found in a study of long-term foster-children that only 27 per cent had contact with their parents every six months or more frequently and that over 60 per cent of natural parents did not know where their children were living , with only 21 per cent feeling encouraged by their social worker to maintain contact .
8 At the start of this paper I quoted from research done by Dr Almquist .
9 Such a suggestion has at least the face validity of being consistent with the research done by Labov and others on language variation ( see Hudson 1980 : Chapter 5 for a review ) .
10 Research done in Liverpool — albeit before the Partnerships — ( Nabarro and McDonald , 1978 ) , indicates that the inner areas received less than might be expected considering their total population .
11 Since much of the research done in Britain has been influenced in one way or another by linguistic research in the Caribbean , it will be necessary to refer to some of the theoretical approaches to the language situation there .
12 What can Tinnion do in return ?
13 In the work on tragedy done before Wagner 's Beethoven Schopenhauer 's influence is less evident .
14 And the breadcrumbs done by Michael .
15 The focus of the discussion was the extent to which the actual Art experiences of the pupils reflected the syllabus : Director of Studies : ‘ What do the kids do in year one ? ’
16 The workshop discussed the reseach done by Stephen Hagen at major industrial companies on the continent of Europe .
17 In other words , a compromise : management can never be wholly altruistic or spotlessly ethical , but the harm done to others can be minimised .
18 Mr Key found little or no harm done to Jane Cox , but found the small body of her newborn child wrapped in the bedclothes .
19 It should , instead , be proportional to the harm done to society .
20 Indeed , his insistence that punishments should only reflect the harm done to society and have nothing to do with subjective intent would seem to imply that the accident-prone should be treated the same as those who cause harm by design !
21 There is abundant authority to show that the action for negligence for harm done through animals is quite distinct from both the cattle trespass rule and the scienter rule .
22 And recently , in education , we have David Hargreaves ( 1982 ) pointing out the harm done in schools when the balance of attention is given to the individuals rather than to the group — and this from a non-authoritarian , liberal educationalist .
23 The new concept of form reached its fullest expression to date in the work of Picasso done at Horta de San Juan , and some sheets of drawings which date from the early days of his return to Paris , show Picasso methodically applying the Cubist concept of form to objects of different kinds and shapes : to a human head , a box , an apple and so on .
24 Michael Flood , an independent energy consultant , has concluded in a study done for Friends of the Earth that 20 per cent of our power could come from renewable sources within 50 years .
25 Yet a study done for RLA last summer suggested that $1 billion and more than 75,000 new jobs were needed to prevent the city 's riot zone from going up in flames again .
26 A study done by Edwin Colbert and his colleagues showed that a tiny 50 gramme ( 1.76 oz ) alligator heated up 1 °C every minute and a half from the Sun , while a large alligator some 260 times bigger took seven and a half minutes .
27 Stress : A study done by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967 identified stress-provoking times , which Holmes and Rahe called Life Events .
28 ( 4 ) In defending the ‘ flocculus hypothesis ’ , Ito fails to cite a study done in rabbits showing that motor learning in the VOR can be acquired without vestibular stimulation .
29 What has Labour done for Spennymoor ?
30 What has Labour done for Spennymoor ?
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