Example sentences of "[noun] he [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 Before he left for his six weeks stay in Swindon that spring he had first called her ‘ sweet ’ , she recalled four months later , ‘ in the little passage , near the willows , near the farm ’ on Wandsworth Common .
2 The Tess he had first loved had separated her body from her soul .
3 After graduating from Sandhurst Military College with the coveted Sword of Honour he had first seen active duty in Korea where he suffered a serious leg injury while attempting to rescue a wounded colleague .
4 During the war he served first in the ranks in Mesopotamia and subsequently obtained a commission in the Royal Air Force .
5 In retirement he lived first at Herringfleet Hall in Suffolk , where he was a justice of the peace , and then at Dedham House in Essex .
6 From South Africa he fled first to Mauritius , with the help of a radical newspaper that was keen to print his story .
7 The thing was hunched , but even so , Cardiff could see that it was at least nine feet tall and somehow impossibly larger than the burnt corpse he had first seen behind the wheel of that car .
8 He had , she decided , recognised that her business did not represent the handicap he had first imagined and abandoned his quest .
9 And he was no longer armed — he had hurled the Walther taken from Steve into the sea at Walberswick , followed by the magazine he 'd first extracted .
10 In this area he builds first a small depression by removing mouthfuls of sand and then produces a nest from weeds which are coated with a sticky substance so that they can be moulded with his snout .
11 Sharpe was loading fast , going through the drill he had first learned twenty-two years before .
12 Biff could n't wait out those years , case he died first .
13 The arrest of Hains , nicknamed ‘ Le Duc de Bourgogne ’ after galleries he ran first in Dijon and then in Le Louvre de Antiquaires in Paris , is expected to be followed by many more .
14 The tall stoop-shouldered European in a white suit and felt hat who climbed from the gleaming car and offered a languid hand in greeting to Duclos he recognized first as Auguste Lepine , the director of the Indigenous Labor Recruitment Agency .
15 His memories of that triumph had , of course , been soured by her departure , and now it was he who wore the hungry , yearning look he 'd first seen on Furie 's face .
16 There was on her lips the slightly sulky look he had first noticed in her the night before , but she was fighting .
17 Then , disappearing up the stairs in the wake of the landlord 's candle , like the ghost he had first thought her , she vanished out of his life .
18 Karelius coped by employing a technique he had first developed at university and perfected in the army : that of chewing and swallowing whilst managing to divorce his mind completely from the organs of taste .
19 Firstly , he needed to reform the army , and to this end he imported first Italian and later French experts .
20 Then he repaid into a High Commission Jamaican dollar account the equivalent , in official-rate Jamaican dollars , of the amount of US dollars he had first removed .
21 And he liked Gamal , whose acquaintance he had first made when working on one of his earliest cases as Mamur Zapt .
22 And the team talks he had first started at Leeds heightened their sense of involvement .
23 It was fresh from the margins of that land he 'd first suspected in New York .
24 Ranulf thought of the Lady Agnes and moaned ; she had proved a fiery lover from the time he had first flung her on her back and lifted her lace-trimmed skirts .
25 Armed with a book on Scottish castles and an Ordnance Survey map , they drove from Dumfries to Caithness in search of a wreck to salvage , until Stewart remembered the castle he had first seen as an architectural student .
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