Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Doubts about banks ' capital reserves , which include stock in clients ' companies , and property-related bad debts may continue to undermine confidence in the market as a whole .
2 One shop in Liverpool has discounted Adidas trainers in kids ' size two on display but not for sale .
3 And McCall , the driving force in Rangers ' 2–1 European Cup win at Elland Road , said : ‘ Leeds have great character and ability and I hope they go on to do well this season , but it will be difficult for them to pick themselves up from this .
4 THE LEYS , who have been a considerable force in schools ' rugby in recent years , prospered on the Austrian tour to earn five wins and a couple of defeats from seven games .
5 The gain in consumers ' surplus minus the loss in producers ' surplus is equal to RFGS .
6 The result in viewers ' minds can have been little other than confusion and fear , instead of the excitement that there should have been .
7 It was there that he was hurt so badly , rupturing knee ligaments in Spurs ' FA Cup final win over Nottingham Forest in May last year .
8 Indeed recent surveys by the National Foundation for Educational Research have revealed that there is often a great deal of confusion in pupils ' minds , particularly as so many educational programmes for history now employ dramatic reconstruction .
9 It emphasises the huge element of mystery and uncertainty in voters ' behaviour , which makes them spurn the most fluent campaigns and ignore the gaffes and trifles which dominate television news bulletins and front pages .
10 These visions would appear , unsummoned , while she sipped cups of strong tea in clients ' bedsitters …
11 If speaker D had gone on at some length about ‘ cobbles ’ or rough roads in general , or if the analysis only had part of this fragment , up to C 's it was rather rough , then we might have had no evidence of a divergence in speakers ' topics within the conversation .
12 GRUBWORTHY AND STING EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LTD are seeking for January 1983 SCHOOL LEAVERS to teach games and other subjects in Boys ' Private and Preparatory Schools .
13 The Law Society has issued guidance notes for equal opportunities in solicitors ' firms which reproduce a standard policy for their use which has been drawn up on the basis of recommendations of the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality .
14 2.38 There is no authority on the appropriate principles to be adopted in apportioning the amount recovered , but the practice in widows ' claims is to award the greater part of the total sum awarded to the widow on the assumption that she will maintain the children as long as they are dependent and to award comparatively small sums to the children themselves .
15 However , studies have shown ( Hood , 1962 , 1972 ; Parker et al. , 1999 ) that the chief formative influence on sentencing practice in magistrates ' courts is not the law or the advice received from other professionals in court , nor even the way similar cases have been decided by that particular court in the past .
16 The Government have set aside £44 million for the period 1989-92 to aid and to stimulate the installation of computers in doctors ' practices and that must be welcomed by all of us .
17 Four weeks of near stasis in voters ' attitudes apparently gave way at the last moment to a near avalanche .
18 Entries in bankers ' books
19 There is almost a tinge of predestination in footballers ' reflections on how they came to sport in the first place .
20 Education Secretary John Patten is also fighting off a cut in teachers ' pay and campaigning for his budget to push through education reforms and repair crumbling schools .
21 Parents in my constituency are anxious that teachers should be properly remunerated because teachers with low morale are bad teachers , and they are particularly concerned that there might just be a slight possibility of a Labour Government next year , with a resultant cut in teachers ' real pay , as happened when Labour was last in office .
22 THE Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , yesterday proposed a cut in prisoners ' parole rights as a main ingredient of a shake-up of the criminal justice system to be set out in a government white paper next month .
23 The reason why a cut in members ' allowances was not in our budget is I think we did n't consider it and we did n't consider it because the figures involved are so small that it was n't a matter which was , as I say , worthy of financial comment , although I accept it has a political dimension .
24 Another cut in the ODR will not trigger a corresponding cut in banks ' funding costs .
25 Unrest in the education system , prompted by arrears in teachers ' salary payments , led to clashes with police in late May 1990 .
26 The result is a marked advance within ILEA schools in teachers ' skills in relation to assessment as well as movement towards whole school policies on assessment .
27 This type of insurance involves the four-weekly collection of premiums in policyholders ' homes .
28 The government banks with the Bank of England , therefore the daily flows of funds between the private and public sectors are reflected in equal but opposite changes in two of the Bank 's liabilities , a flow towards the government , for example , causing a fall in bankers ' deposits and a matching rise in public deposits .
29 This fall in bankers ' deposits represents a fall in the commercial banks ' cash reserves .
30 This has already contributed to a fall in households ' income gearing , which stood at 11.4 per cent in the second quarter compared with a peak of 12.9 per cent in the second quarter of last year .
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