Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Christianity is then a historical religion in a way in which religion need not necessarily be historical .
2 But they would still insist that induction into a tradition is right — it should be teaching religion not just teaching about religion in a way which distances it and effectively marginalizes it .
3 But history would not be central to the religion in the way in which history is central to Christianity .
4 Further , the original theory of nationalization put forward by the Attlee Government after 1945 stressed that corporations should be free to take commercial risks in a way that would be inappropriate for government departments .
5 Thus although the rating tasks performed in this study are not uncorrelated with the risk and accident estimates previously obtained for the stimuli from Study 2 there is no reason to assume that subjects were unnaturally concentrating on risks in the way they may have been for Studies 1 and 2 .
6 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
7 John Reith 's part , both in his capacity as the company 's managing director and as the director general of the corporation , in the creation of this ideal model of public service broadcasting , has been amply documented and he was undoubtedly able to exploit such thinking in a way not equalled elsewhere or since .
8 This turns out to be smart thinking in a way because when I get to Cop Central they promptly arrest me .
9 The following chapters in this book will offer the reader a great deal in the way of possible solutions to very specific issues in the management of schools — this one will not — or at least not in the same focused way .
10 Not a great deal in the way of interpretation or conclusion should be hung on answers to a single question about ‘ liking ’ housework .
11 I do n't think there 's a very great deal in the way of er lighting fittings one can talk about erm in houses in Harlow , it 's er , there 's a , a distinct difference between the light , a lot , lot of architects in , in Harlow have lived in Harlow you see and they will go in for all the very latest type of lighting fittings erm and because they have er access to the books for the various er designers of lighting fittings er , generally though , they , the majority of the people in the town er have come from er London boroughs and erm they view the same kind of lighting fittings they 've always been used to .
12 It seems to be one of the basic functions of art to enable us to acknowledge thought and perception in a way that other things do not .
13 He fired his shot hard and low but somehow Norman got his legs in the way and the ball flew over the bar into the sea of incredulous Middlesbrough supporters behind the Roker goal .
14 They do n't reflect the light in the way that a conventional headlight does .
15 There is no way all-seat can mean all-safe Bradford is the most brutal example and there is no way that all-seaters will ‘ civilise ’ fans in the way Taylor imagined .
16 Therefore a man like Ramsey brought the argument about Christian unity up against the fundamental question of Catholicity versus Protestantism in a way which few others could .
17 However , none of these firms is a true partnership in the way that some of the accounting or legal firms are .
18 If she was President , she 'd be Baberaham Lincoln ’ ) , and Carvey 's Garth Alcar , the ultra-introverted , computer-superliterate second banana , impaled the national consciousness in a way unseen since SNL 's Belushi/Aykroyd/Murray glory days .
19 I mean supposing women 's football did get more support and i wen and i it did become more widespread , more popular at every level , there was time , the resources to do it , do you think the things that people complained about football at the top of this programme er , the bigotry , the aggression , the rowdiness , do you think they would begin to overwhelm women 's football in the way that some of you think they 've overwhelmed men 's football ?
20 If John and Bill have a lot in common if , for example , they come from the same community or are part of the same culture then Bill is likely to interpret most of the signals in the way John intended .
21 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
22 Evidence from leading industrial companies to the Trade and Industry Sub Committee of the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons in 1973 made it clear that too frequent changes in government policy and in the nature of controls and incentives covering the location of industry had led firms gradually to discount government policy when considering new investment in a way that was injurious to growth and the creation of new employment .
23 The form of human institutions is not determined by their functional adequacy in the way that both Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown seem to have believed .
24 Marryat was no ‘ Jolly tarpaulin ’ but he chose to please his readers in the way that best suited his circumstances .
25 ‘ The aim of soil geography is to record and explain the development and distribution of soils on the earth 's surface It is a branch of learning which lies between soil science and geography and is of particular importance to both subjects … soil studies are one means of integrating large parts of physical geography in a way which is of immediate relevance to mankind and in this way gives coherence to geography as a whole . ’
26 However , the mere existence of procedures for addressing grievances in no way guarantees that they will be resolved in a manner acceptable to employees .
27 ‘ I feel that nothing should come between brothers in a way that our situation is at , ’ Justin said .
28 Abrams and McCulloch ( 1976 ) found that the role of ‘ sympathetic outsider ’ enabled them to study communes in a way that was involved , detached , and not unduly threatening .
29 There is also much unnecessary hardship and fear and pain caused by man to animals in the way we breed them , market them , or eventually kill them in an abattoir .
30 She flicked him a perfunctory smile , seeing the mockery lingering in his dark eyes in a way that made her itch to reach out and slap him .
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