Example sentences of "[noun] to [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Their political leaders , horrified by the isolation to which the electorate had consigned the country , have rallied behind the treaty .
2 She recalled the housekeeper 's kindness to her the previous evening , when she had led her from her mistress 's chamber and shown her the room that Miss Merchiston had assigned for her use .
3 After all , he does not actually seek the result to which the polls have been pointing since the election campaign began .
4 Both he , and R.A. Smith in his British Museum guide to Anglo-Saxon Antiquities ( 1923 ) , accepted the important work of the scholar Bernhard Salin , Die altgermanische Thierornamentik ( 1904 ) , whose analysis of the animal motifs used in migration period art provided a chronology to which the English material could be related .
5 I am sorry to hear of the job losses to which the hon. Gentleman refers , but the only secure future for the coal industry or , indeed , for any other industry , is for it to produce something that people want at a price that people can afford .
6 The removal of a centre of consciousness to which the narrative discourse could be attached and the self-conscious preoccupation with both the linguistic/ verbal origins of the text and the status of the reading and writing of fiction suggested that a new aesthetic had been evolved .
7 Newly flung mashed potato clung to the walls , testament to what the Rugby Supporters ' Club thought of the ‘ mash ’ part of the lunch .
8 The ridicule to which the dupes are condemned may be explicitly orchestrated by the author , by providing characters within the text to laugh at the victim .
9 But US reporters at the military hospitals in Texas to which the US casualties are being flown said at midday yesterday they had counted 190 US wounded being flown in , with more planes on the way .
10 We walked up a narrow street from their dugout past a doorway whose lintel was matted with grass , the entrance to the old film company offices to which the 12-year-old gunboy had taken us less than two months before .
11 4.3 In all offices to which the public have access , alarm systems should be installed .
12 Chrysler is back in the UK market with two variations on the old Willys Jeep theme as the prelude to what the company hopes will be a wide range of new models designed to exploit profitable niches .
13 There are those that have gone back and erm er it was all right them shutting their eyes to what the the main the crux of the matter and saying , No no everything 's fine in the garden that 's just er trying to kid us but er I do n't think it will work .
14 The degree of intellectual impairment occurring in early treated preschool children is closely associated with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia to which the subjects have been exposed .
15 This is as true of the patrician Tories and the outraged-of- Tunbridge Wells brigade to which The Daily Telegraph under Worsthorne 's editorship was still directing its leaders as it was of The Guardian 's public sector-employed army of veterans from 1968 whose retreat was traced across the pages of MT throughout the 80s .
16 The government programme to which the PSE-PSOE had been unable to agree envisaged the transfer to the region of responsibility for social security and local management of the national employment institute , as well as the creation of a Basque public bank .
17 The strike was in support of FNT demands , which enjoyed widespread popular support and that of the FSLN ( Sandinista ) opposition to which the FNT was affiliated , for a minimum monthly wage equivalent to US$200 and for an end to plans to privatize state enterprises .
18 It is likely that the introduction of traffic calming to any particular housing area in Britain will also produce opposition to what the residents may well see as disruptive and eccentric ideas .
19 But Mr Kilfoyle told the health boss : ‘ Your colleagues if not yourself will be well aware of my opposition to what the Regional Health Authority is doing on behalf of the most despised government in living memory .
20 Had he been alive he would doubtless have been delighted at the response of the leading conservative theatre critic to What the Butler Saw ( 1969 ) : ‘ Orton 's terrible obsession with perversion , which is regarded as having brought his life to an end and choked his very high talent , poisons the atmosphere of the play .
21 The swimming section was more or less brought back to mind to me the other day when they showed the old Stoke bathing place .
22 But it is Judit to whom the chess world most readily gives the title of genius : last year , aged 13 , she achieved a Grandmaster norm and became the world 's top-ranking woman player .
23 The confusion to which the hon. Gentleman refers does not exist at any of the BP refineries that I have visited .
24 the limitation on circulation of the report : normally the client 's instructions , the scope of work and the time constraints in which it is performed mean that circulation should be restricted to those to whom the report is addressed and to other named parties to whom the report is relevant .
25 We played and fought hard , and it is sad to reflect that the plethora of political parties to which the hon. Member referred seems unable to produce the good will , fellowship and spirit that prevailed in those days .
26 This can be claimed for romantic and romance , but is not appropriate in the case of arable farmer , nor of foreign policy or animate nouns from ( 7 ) , nor of new in ( 17 ) nor naked in ( 18 ) ; and it would clearly not apply for nuclear scientist either ; while there does exist a noun nucleus , which is certainly the etymological origin of the adjective , the scientist is , synchronically and in the usage of the ordinary speaker , to be connected with the indefinite notion of nuclear matters ( where , for example , Latin would have used the neuter plural of an adjective ) rather than directly with nucleus ; one may reasonably guess that many speakers to whom the word nucleus is quite unfamiliar would nevertheless feel they understood quite satisfactorily a headline which read : TOP NUCLEAR SCIENTIST GOES MISSING !
27 Some members of this family may possess dual molecular recognition properties — for the ligand bound by the protein and for a receptor cell to which the ligand is transported .
28 Acceptance of a social charter might lead more easily to the achievement of the goals to which the hon. Member referred .
29 A long time ago , Zacco had sent this man , lord of his Mamelukes , to fetch Nicholas from the monastery to which the Venetians had brought him .
30 The final settlement , as with the various disputes to which the Department seemed ever more prone , would be in my gift and mine alone .
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