Example sentences of "[noun] have made [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Borrowing an idea from the fiercely competitive US market , ITN has made McDonald the sole anchorman but his role seems not so much to read the news as to make it simple for the viewer before the reporter fills the story out .
2 The photocopier has made reliance on a publisher less necessary than it was , but the future of the material coming from parish musicians will nevertheless be determined by the passage of time and the growing musical literacy of the public .
3 But Maastricht 's hesitant progress has made firms ( and , indeed , governments ) jumpy again .
4 On the roads — the combination of rain and greasy surfaces has made driving conditions treacherous .
5 Burson has made images of missing children , aged by computer , for their families and for the FBI .
6 The Robot Drill works by gripping the sides of its own hole , and anchoring itself until the bit has made space in which it can move on .
7 Not since the nineteenth century can it be said that Parliament has made policy directly .
8 The bite of the recession has made companies reluctant to offer placements so the students have set up their own action desk .
9 Studying advertising at college in her media studies course has made Jo , who is twenty-two , aware of how television and magazine advertising affect all of us .
10 My silly wee sister has made Mum a Get Well Quickly card .
11 Consider for instance Maltz and Borker 's thesis that the problems of mixed sex talk arise out of cultural mismatch rather than power imbalance ; childhood experience has made men and women diverge in their expectations .
12 ‘ All work and no play has made Laura a very dull girl , ’ ' he misquoted in a thoroughly hateful , sanctimonious voice which immediately raised her hackles .
13 The recent 25 KV electrification has made steam movements using ECML junctions like Newcastle and Darlington virtually impossible .
14 The Soviet Union 's overriding need for money has made Mikhail Gorbachev try to end the chill in his relations with the West
15 The election result has made fund managers ‘ much more confident ’ about the outlook for the equity market : all but a handful believe the economic situation will ‘ get a lot or a little better ’ over the next year .
16 And the increases are likely to carry on now the plunging pound has made Britain such an economically attractive place for overseas visitors , the British Tourist Authority said .
17 The hit movie has made dinosaurs big business — one company is struggling to meet demand for models selling at more than seventy pounds a time .
18 Although Larsen 's agent Rune Hauge has made contact with Arsenal boss George Graham , he was left with the impression that the player did not fulfil the Gunners ' requirements .
19 But in just 10 months Hoddle has made Swindon one of the most feared teams in Division 2 , playing a style of football more attractive , than the rather pedestrian long ball game that many teams prefer .
20 The investment has made Cash strongly competitive , by keeping prices down and improving turn-round .
21 The present study has made use of antibodies that react with progastrin itself , its major active products , Gly-extended biosynthetic intermediates , and its C-terminal tryptic fragment .
22 High-dose glucocorticoid therapy has made surgery much safer , both for tumour biopsy and for excision .
23 Lloyd describes her books as ‘ wonderful , moving stuff : she is one of the few authors to have made John Booth cry . ’
24 Occasionally people from more than one lineage on each side had made peace , and people spoke then of a peace between some higher order entity than a small lineage : Ujdaid and Talib , Awlad Amira and Mannaia .
25 The Mongol invasion had hit the urban centres particularly hard , and the tribute paid to the Golden Horde for over two centuries had made recovery difficult .
26 In April 1914 , George Younger wrote in Our Flag about " Radical " Buy " Election promises " and cited ten cases from the past six years when Liberal by-election candidates had made promises to local groups of voters on behalf of the government promises of a change in policy to benefit local crafts or industry or employment .
27 Many of these hoped to start this course in the next academic session ( 46% of enquirers ) and 58% of those who said they wanted to do a course in the future had made enquiries about it .
28 Turning away , Kelly saw some loose change in the gutter where the car had made contact with its target .
29 It was a phrase often used by her mother to describe women whose husbands had made money and moved to Edgbaston .
30 The school 's educational psychologist had made contact with the family when he had been involved in an assessment of Jeetinder , the second son , now in the fourth year at the school .
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