Example sentences of "[noun] have been as " in BNC.

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1 In some areas of Scotland , the rise has been as much as 35 per cent .
2 The progress has been as dynamic , and certainly more precise , than anything produced by those great painters .
3 I am always in my very best spirits , for my heart has been as light as a feather ever since I got away from all that humbug ; and , what is more , I have become fatter .
4 Let us suppose that a Government , a party , observing that the rate of increase of the national income has been as high as 3 per cent in real terms over the last few years , were to decide to make plans which involve the growth of public expenditure at the rate of 2and1/2 ; per cent , so as to be a little within the recent happy experience .
5 Sadly not every one of St Peter 's successors has been as appreciative of his work as they might have been .
6 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
7 Worse still , by the end of May there were indications that for the first time German losses might be exceeding those of the French ; within a week one completely new brigade had been as good as wiped out .
8 The result had been as fresh-faced and direct as Hogarth 's Shrimp Girl and when the Queen was persuaded to choose Moynihan as the portraitist of Princess Elizabeth , she wanted the same quality as that found in Private Clarke .
9 In the more remote regions population losses have been as high as 10 per cent in many of the intercensal periods during the twentieth century ( Dunn 1976 ) .
10 England 's batting in this Test has been as dodgy as the plate of prawns which ruled out captain Graham Gooch .
11 Yet no election campaign has been as unctuously hostile to wealth as the Labour one of 1992 in justifying its policies about the poll tax , the health service , education , and national and local taxation ; and nothing in the public packaging operation left any reason to suppose the Labour Party had abandoned the assumptions of the 1960s .
12 No other competitor in any sport has been as consistently good or as unfailingly good natured .
13 It was not surprising that Benny had been as excited as a hen walking on hot coals all summer long , never able to keep still , always jumping up with some further excitement .
14 " Then Prince Rainbow saw that El-ahrairah had been as good as his word , and that he himself must keep his promise too .
15 Katherine had been as excited as a child on Christmas morning .
16 If only that bloody dry cleaner had been as inefficient as most of them usually were .
17 Of Cooper 's other favourites , Klee 's 1927 pen ‘ Blume und Früchte ’ ( a gift to Cooper from the artist 's widow ) sold to Heinz Berggruen for $70,000 ( £38,900 ) ( est. $25–35,000 ) , an entirely appropriate outcome as Berggruen had been as devoted to Picasso as Cooper was .
18 Their political campaign had been as ineffectual as their terrorist ‘ outrages , ’ which had harmed no one but the odd insurance firm .
19 The swerves in economic management have been as much his as Mr Lamont 's .
20 Marlin had been as solicitous as an erring husband since the attack , calling her from his office every hour or so , and several times suggesting that she might want to talk with an analyst , or at very least with one of his many friends who 'd been assaulted or mugged on the streets of Manhattan .
21 Rose Brady 's attention had been as unexpected as it had been sudden and welcome .
22 During the last few minutes Hazel had been as near to losing his head as he was ever to come .
23 Monday afternoon in the House of Commons had been as great a triumph for him ( although he had said practically nothing ) as it had been a disaster for Churchill .
24 He admitted that Ipswich had been as fortunate to beat Newcastle as they were to beat Wolves in midweek .
25 The lord of Glyndyfrdwy had been as well-tutored in arms as in law , and as apt a pupil ; he had , moreover , all the experience that Edmund lacked .
26 Jessamy had been as overwhelmed as he had been , dazzled by the physical passion , and amazed that her own easygoing , relaxed attitude to life could be turned upside down by this one man .
27 That was how I heard Old Red had been as angry as Sister over the Charlie Peters affair , and had said as much to Dr Jones .
28 The diagnoses of Britain 's problems have been as varied as the problems themselves .
29 THE MILITANT defenders of animals ' rights have been as active in Canada as in Britain .
30 Friction between locals and newcomers has been as much a function of this as of any other factor , a conflict between the aesthetic appreciation of the qualities of the English countryside and a utilitarian assessment of its productive capacity .
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