Example sentences of "[noun] have for some " in BNC.

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1 It is in its work on health and healing , the Board of Social Responsibility has for some years now been concerned with the provision of training conferences for ministers and others involved in this aspect of the church 's commission .
2 To this end , this association has for some years now made the data sheet compendium — written originally for doctors and pharmacists — available to public libraries and , on request , to individual members of the public .
3 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
4 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
5 The University of Warwick has for some time provided the possibility of studying both English and foreign texts in a comparative way at undergraduate level .
6 In this sense , pluralism has for some become something of an Aunt Sally , to be knocked down through juxtaposing the idealised equal distribution of power assumed in pluralist theory with the actual inequalities in the distribution of power found in Western liberal democracies .
7 His pleasure at the escape had for some reason given way now to even more sadness in the presence of the eagles that were still caged , as if the escape of one had intensified the sense of imprisonment of the others .
8 A possible intervention of the King 's Proctor to upset the divorce had for some time been lurking in the Government 's mind .
9 Steelworkers in the public sector had for some time been in dispute with their employers , the British Steel Corporation , and had come out on strike .
10 Certificates have for some time been sent in postal tubes by recorded delivery to Divisional Secretaries .
11 Details are given below under Teaching , but it is worth mentioning here the training course in French law at the University of Aix/ Marseille , for which scholarships have for some years been offered by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy , 22 Wilton Crescent , London SW1 .
12 Alyssia had for some reason thought that he spent the majority of his life in England , but it turned out that , although he owned a flat in London , he spent quite a lot of time working overseas .
13 Wilson had for some time claimed to the International Transport Workers ' Federation that the Shipping Federation would crumble if the fight could be carried to every port at one and the same time .
14 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
15 The existence of such a large ( see 12:37 ) alien group in his borderlands has for some time made Pharaoh uneasy .
16 Eric commented that trade at JHL was steady and that two JP s had for some time been seen as a luxury , so they were pleased to release G-JETP .
17 It may be right to guess that Athens ' ambitious foreign policy of this period , which includes diplomacy with a non-Greek town far in the interior of Sicily ( ML 37 = Fornara 81 , an alliance with Segesta in 457 ) , was forced on her by the need to seek alternative supplies of corn , because her usual overseas sources had for some reason become precarious .
18 Amoco had for some time contested liability .
19 Catherine had for some while been recruiting architects from the West , especially from Italy .
20 Stravinsky had for some years been his favourite composer , and he had worked with Hanns on ideas for the setting and costumes .
21 It added : ‘ This explosion deepens the cracks in a monarchy which a number of Britons have for some time regarded with a mixture of indifference and contempt . ’
22 But three years later on 27 July 1795 the new head of the Macclesfield company , Abraham Mills , wrote to the new agent Thomas Harrison of Kendal , advising him , alas , that " … the Coniston Mine has for some time been so unproductive that it has been determined to discontinue the working … "
23 Morris clipped the papers together and tossed them across onto Dyson 's desk Dyson had for some reason assumed that Morris would bring them over and stand beside him while he went through them .
24 In the United States , academics have for some years been engaging in what has been termed the ‘ deregulation critique ’ of the federal role in education .
25 Such arrangements have for some time been permitted so long as clients are fully informed of the nature of the company and the profits go to the firm .
26 Because of pressure from many different lobbies , government has for some time been considering in what way to respond to it .
27 The government has for some time known that this site would be available , yet from the announcement of the project to the Minister 's stated deadline for consultation is 8 months , including the summer months .
28 The toast to the Divisions has for some time been a ‘ musical geography tour ’ and this time people present were treated to an extra musical item being the toast to National Office , whereby gave an immaculate rendition of The Hippopotamus Song .
29 As already mentioned , the Irish bishops had for some time found the separation of church and state both a workable and desirable solution .
30 Many who had earlier worked against Scottish interests had for some time been making covert approaches and promises through envoys between the two Courts .
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