Example sentences of "[noun] have a way " in BNC.

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1 KITCHENS SINGER Patrick Fitzgerald has a way with egotistical comments : ‘ Our tour manager 's fallen right down-to-earth , ’ he beams at one point during tonight 's proceedings .
2 Football has a way of kicking you down like that .
3 Those dark eyes had a way of burning into her .
4 Mrs Blakey had a way of saying , annoying Stephen because of the implication that everything they did had to be done together .
5 Like other human institutions , restaurants have a way of staying the same after all manner of changes — of menu , chef , management , even premises .
6 1 ) The desirability to have a Partner in Residence in Scotland has a way of enabling meaningful contact to be made between supporters here and Partners overseas .
7 ‘ Your guess is as good as mine , but fate has a way of doing unexpected things . ’
8 The girl had a way of looking at her as if she could read her mind and Ida did n't like it .
9 The old , old fashion — Death ! ( 4 ) Oh thank GOD , all who see it , for that older fashion yet , of immortality ! ( 5 ) And look upon us , angels of young children , with regards not quite estranged , when the swift river bears us to the ocean ! ( 6 ) At such points Dickens has a way of enlarging his theme beyond the narrative pretext , addressing his readers directly as sharers of a common human lot with himself and his characters .
10 On such occasions it often seems foolish to intervene , for nature has a way of eliminating stragglers .
11 Stephen had a way of getting what he wanted from people and then moving rapidly on .
12 It was strange how Hank had a way of withdrawing from one 's company at times , just as if he had forgotten one was there .
13 This was no doubt because Read had a way of writing about Abstract Art in his own highly abstract manner , so that abstraction was further compounded .
14 Hopes and dreams had a way of evaporating .
15 It may be necessary to advertise but it is my experience that relatives have a way of surfacing after a death . ’
16 ‘ These things have a way of working down . ’
17 So the group at Shepherd 's Bush has a way to go before some of them might be deemed fit to audition there or at other vocational schools .
18 But bad news has a way of travelling . "
19 God has a way on retreats such as this of bringing home to us the challenge of a first-order question : ‘ Do you love me in the way Mary loved me and allowed herself to be used for my mission ? ’
20 as if that were n't discomfort enough , you also have to make heroic efforts to stifle your giggles at the Old Fire Station , Oxford , for Miss Miles has a way of coming up with lines that are almost sublime in their ridiculousness .
21 Gustave had a way of talking about the women he had enjoyed .
22 His father had a way of losing himself in some private absorption , of not hearing when people spoke to him , and then of apologizing concernedly .
23 Emily had a way of launching casually into an anecdote about some fix she 'd got herself into in the past and Preston would listen with increasing alarm , wondering just what he 'd got himself into .
24 Bodies have a way of doing that , ’ he said .
25 When the Collector mentioned this to Dr McNab he shook his head and said : " Aye , the poor man has a way to go yet before he 'll be sound . "
26 Life has a way of changing the best of plans .
27 But she was the first in recent memory — for Gentle the past had a way of evaporating after about ten years — who had conspired to remove everything from him in the space of half a day .
28 Somehow , it seemed to Gedanken , her uncle had a way of making everything fun .
29 Lee privately doubted that the majority of these contacts would be useful : favours had a way of being conveniently forgotten , and vices and indiscretions tended to lose their edge as the years passed .
30 Even wars had a way of making William 's grandad redundant .
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