Example sentences of "[noun] have for the " in BNC.

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1 Interview he sez ICI has for the last two decades looked at ways of helping the environment .
2 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
3 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
4 ‘ Shake ’ could be taken as the fear the poet has for the ‘ cold ’ of oncoming death and ‘ ruined ’ illuminates the idea of deterioration .
5 Matthey Electronics Burslem has for the third successive year won the prestigious RoSPA Gold Award for Occupational Safety .
6 However , Syrian officials contended that with the signing of the treaty Syria had for the first time formally acknowledged Lebanon as an independent state .
7 When we talk of capitalism , we are concerned with a system which is based upon the need for what Weber calls ‘ forever renewed profit ’ through the selling of the worker 's labour power to the property-owning employer , and the consequences these socio-economic relationships have for the family .
8 He doubts ‘ whether the significance which the certainty of the law has for the smooth and efficient working of economic life can be exaggerated ’ and suggests that ‘ there is probably no single factor which has contributed to the greater prosperity of the Western world compared with the Orient than the relative certainty of the law which in the West had early been achieved ’ .
9 Moya Hood has for the last year been teaching weekly classes at Stroud Court in Gloucestershire , a sheltered community opened in 1983 for autistic adolescents and adults .
10 For Henri , the desire for French control of Scotland had for the moment given way to Valois need to counter an extension of Hapsburg power ; and Mary was as useful for the one as for the other .
11 Pawson has pointed out that in building the canals , British engineers had for the first time " to grapple with large scale civil engineering problems " .
12 In Palermo , Sicily , an absolute majority was won by the DC list headed by the former mayor Leoluca Orlando ( representing the left-oriented faction of the DC ) , who until his resignation in February had for the previous 2@1/2 years headed an " anti-Mafia " coalition of the DC and the PCI .
13 The warmth of feeling many Garden visitors have for the place is greatly cherished by those of us who work in it , and we deeply appreciate the feelings of all who wish to be associated with our activities .
14 A painting by Carrà entitled Simultaneità , which shows a figure in a series of successive attitudes , indicates that Simultaneity had for the Futurists also the simpler meaning of the combination of different aspects of objects or people in motion into a single painting .
15 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
16 It is also proof of the high regard that the right hon. Member for Finchley had for the right hon. Gentleman and his presence in her Cabinet .
17 The plants had for the past three years been emitting toxic fumes which had caused skin diseases among the villagers , killed fish in local fishponds and contaminated farmlands .
18 During the first year the programme targets had for the most part been met .
19 As strange as it sounds , the great popularity of Hitler already before the war had for the most part little to do with fanatical belief in the central tenets of the Hitlerian racial-imperialist ‘ world-view ’ , and even less to do with belief in the Party , whose leader he was .
20 ‘ Even a cursory glance at the island of Ireland 's relationship with the EC since 1973 confirms that Britain has not pursued Northern Ireland 's interests anything like the extent which Irish Governments have for the 26 counties , ’ he said .
21 The alternatives have for the most part consisted in elusive doctrines of " natural necessity " , causal " power " , " agency " or some kind of " logical connection " and in inexplicit declarations of the reality of causal necessitation .
22 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
23 But also by 1967 , expenditure on education had for the first time in history equalled that on defence .
24 Moreover , any initial support for the Japanese as ousters of Western imperialism had for the most part been transformed into armed nationalist movements anxious to oust the Japanese in their turn and achieve real independence .
25 What news will Chancellor Norman Lamont have for the motorist when he rises in the House of Commons next Tuesday to deliver his budget speech ?
26 Now , is it any wonder why American businesses in Singapore have for the last 5 years registered a remarkable 25% average rate of return .
27 More importantly , by castigating conductive education he obscures some very important implications that the method has for the West .
28 Compassion for Antoinette Gebrec had for the time being taken her mind off her own disillusionment .
29 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
30 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
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