Example sentences of "[noun] have hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The resulting debate was the first the parliament has held on green issues .
2 If Edberg wins and goes on to win the final , the London-based Swede will regain the top spot Courier has held for all but six weeks of this year .
3 Brighton 1989 was the most smoothly achieving conference Labour has held since 1963 , and probably since the 1940s .
4 After the contents of the twentieth Party Congress speech sank in , there was a general revolt , logically enough , among the East European satellite regimes which Stalin had held in contemptuous subjugation .
5 Interestingly , the date of the earliest document signed by Hocazade — mid-Shawwal 877 — more or less coincides with that of a recording that on 23 Shawwal 877/23 March 1473 Efdalzade had been appointed to the Sahn in place of Ali Kuscu who , Uzuncarsili says , had been transferred to the muderrislik of the Ayasofya medrese , one of the posts which Molla Husrev had held in conjunction with the kadilik of Istanbul .
6 These were the highest offices Arabs had held in the Israeli government since 1973 , when Abdel-Aziz Zoabi had been Deputy Minister of Health .
7 The Court has held in a recent case that the Commission can not ask leading questions which would require the undertaking concerned to admit an infringement of the competition rules , but that otherwise there is no right to silence : the Commission can ask for any information it requires to determine the extent of the infringement .
8 Of more immediate relevance to the present case the European Court of Human Rights has held in Lingens v. Austria ( 1986 ) 8 E.H.R.R. 407 that the prosecution and conviction , under the Austrian law of criminal defamation , of a magazine publisher in Vienna for printing two articles critical of the Austrian Chancellor was a violation of article 10 .
9 In England and Wales the relationship has held throughout the 20th century , and has been particularly strong in the last twenty years … .
10 Further north , and a few miles west of Fréteval , which Philip had held since last June , the lord of Vendôme switched his allegiance to France .
11 Held : The Court had held in Evans ( 1976 ) 64 Cr.App.R. 127 that there was no reason why consecutive community service orders should not be made , but the total number of hours to which the offender was subject should not exceed , as a matter of principle , 240 at any one time .
12 The Court had held in Anderson ( 1989 ) 11 Cr.App.R .
13 TRADE : The gradual improvement in trade has held for the first four months of 1993 according to the Builders Merchants Federation .
14 Finally , on 21 May , the office of constable of St Briavel 's ( Glos. ) which Poyntz had held with Rivers and Thomas Baynham was regranted to Baynham and Richard Williams .
15 Finally , on 21 May , the office of constable of St Briavel 's ( Glos. ) which Poyntz had held with Rivers and Thomas Baynham was regranted to Baynham and Richard Williams .
16 Sixty-three legionnaires had held off a Mexican force of 2,000 soldiers for a whole day , at the end of which five legionnaires had been left alive ; these five , thirsty , hungry and out of ammunition , had bayonet charged the Mexicans .
17 Unfortunately , the idea ( which many people have held at different times ) of a national ballet for South Africa has not come to fruition even now , four decades later , any more than the dream which John cherished when working in Germany of forming a national company there .
18 But he added : ‘ Everybody recognises that the Government has to hold on to an existing policy until the replacement is ready to put in place , and clearly the Secretary of State has to hold to his policy until an alternative has been agreed . ’
19 Death 's mercy has held off all too long , but now I swear to you this is ending .
20 In his second capacity , as heir of Warwick 's public role , Gloucester took over the major royal offices which the earl had held in the north .
21 In his second capacity , as heir of Warwick 's public role , Gloucester took over the major royal offices which the earl had held in the north .
22 It was evident , as the trial went on , that Lord Robertson had held for many years a belief amounting to an article of faith that Meehan and Griffiths had committed the Ayr murder , and that so paltry a matter as overwhelming evidence to show that they had n't and that Waddell and McGuinness had , was in no way going to sway him .
23 erm and I wonder if our traditions have disappeared because we have had to adapt to working lives and changes in lives , and I wonder if men have held onto theirs in the face of women being a threat to them in working environments and other aspects of their life .
24 The post of Vice-President , which Cotti had held for the past year , was taken by René Felber ( Social Democratic Party — SPS ) , Minister for Political ( Foreign ) Affairs .
25 Henry was allowed to assume the title of Earl of Lancaster and to receive a great part of the Lancaster inheritance , but the Lacy earldom of Lincoln , which Earl Thomas had held in right of his wife , was not fully recovered until 1348 .
26 ( c. 1235–1296 ) , judge , was probably born in or before 1235 in Shropshire , perhaps at Hopton Castle , which his family had held since at least the mid-twelfth century as major knightly tenants of the honour of Clun .
27 All day long the murky weather had held over the River Thames and as night closed in the February fog swirled out into the narrow cobbled lanes and backstreets of Bermondsey .
28 By 9 January 1177 he had besieged Dax , which had been held against him by the Viscount of Dax and Bigorre , and taken it ; he had besieged Bayonne , which the Viscount of Bayonne had held against him , and taken it ; he had marched right up to " the Gate of Spain " at Cize and there he had captured and demolished the castle of St Pierre .
29 One of the members of the campaign , Richard McCance , stood as an openly gay candidate for Labour , winning with a 13 per cent swing a seat which the Tories had held for forty years .
30 In addition , it described the traditional premium which WHS shares have held against other store shares as ‘ undeserved ’ .
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