Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 She had obviously been well cared for throughout her illness — but then , Shiona had never for one moment doubted that .
2 Innately more conservative than its urban counterpart , the rural community had not for the most part engaged in widespread and overt political protest in response to the strains that were placed upon it .
3 The efforts of African leaders to build a new political system within their countries in the last twenty-five years have not for the most part been successful .
4 The hard core of support seemed to have risen slightly during the year , but voting Green in the Euro-elections had not for most of the voters signified a new allegiance .
5 Certainly there would have been no satisfaction in such behaviour if the would-be escaper had not for a time at any rate believed in himself
6 In Emendatio Vitae he acknowledges the variety of modes of expressing this kind of insight : He continues with a memorable expression of the joy in the play of faith " myrth in mynde had gostely for lufar euerlastynge , with grete voys oowt brekand " ( 12.127.16 – 28 ) .
7 For all his ego and vanity , even Florian has never for a moment imagined that I felt any sort of lust or love for him , although he also has no idea just how selfish and immature I do find him outside a broadcasting studio .
8 Isabel Lavender had never for one moment doubted that everything would somehow , eventually , go her way , though she could accept the idea of temporary setbacks .
9 But , take my word for it , the possibility had never for one moment occurred to me . ’
10 Table 15 indicates that 45% of authorities experienced an increase in allocated money , while 31% had the same amount and 11% had less for 1984/5 .
11 However the facts are that the courts have not for the last 300 years recognised , nor have they acted upon , a logic which renders all questions of law jurisdictional .
12 ‘ Why , Mummy , ’ the child was asking in the bath , tickling her little bottom moving up and down on the sandy deposit at the bottom of the bath until Tony had nowhere for his legs , ‘ when the sky is blue very very blue all over and you look at it is it white ? ’
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