Example sentences of "[noun] of a number " in BNC.

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1 We can do this by various systems of moving averages , whereby an observation is replaced by the mean of a number of observations centred on the one in question .
2 On March 28 President Yoweri Museveni announced a Cabinet reshuffle as well as the reorganization of a number of ministries .
3 You can do some simple calc calculations by thinking of a number line , for example , two , minus two , plus five means start at minus two then go up five so you 'll finish at three .
4 The papers presented at TEP'92 describe the objectives , content , learning strategies and assessment methods of a number of courses currently being mounted and all concerned with aspects of EP .
5 It builds on research which is already being undertaken in these centres and compares the involvement of citizens and local leaders in the politics and administration of a number of different communities in Britain and France .
6 And the Nicaraguan experience affirms what had been considered refuted by some after the death of Che Guevara and the defeat of a number of other guerrilla movements ’ ( Mikoian : 1980 , p. 103 ) .
7 He is president of a number of business-related associations , including the Industrial Building Bureau , the Industrial Marketing Research Association , the Institute of Mechanical $ General
8 Following its use as a cotton warehouse , the building had been the headquarters of a mail-order company and ended its commercial career accommodating the offices of a number of small businesses .
9 By April 19 The Times reported that the police had visited the offices of a number of Istanbul publishing houses and that printers had cancelled orders to print 18 periodicals deemed in the past to have shown some sympathy to the Kurdish cause .
10 The observation that a single DNA motif allowed ubiquitous as well as cell type-specific gene activation became explainable by the findings and subsequent characterization of a number of ( cell type-specific ) Octamer binding proteins .
11 The aeromagnetic database was augmented by the incorporation of a number of digital survey sets , and improvements were made to its structure in order to accommodate different map projections and additional magnetic field parameters : all records now include locations expressed as geographical coordinates as well in a local grid system .
12 The government had in November 1989 ( after the incorporation of a number of modifications to the detail of the new scheme ) indicated that the average community charge per person for 1990-91 in England would be £278 , with a corresponding average of £173 in Wales .
13 But it is believed the board 's acute services review also proposes the closure of a number of inner-city sites including the Royal Infirmary .
14 In a sober introduction to the report a number of factors are adduced to explain the drop in earnings : the stagnation of many of the world 's economies ; ‘ the slow and painful process of forging a European union ’ ; the poor results of the two major auction houses ; and the closure of a number of commercial galleries .
15 Since he took up the position in 1987 , closures of geriatric hospitals , partnership with the private sector , nurse regradings , NHS trusts and a review of maternity and acute services , which will cut over 1,000 hospital beds and possibly lead to a closure of a number of hospitals , are among the controversies which have raged .
16 This economic activity requires less than half the labour needed in banana cultivation and therefore must result in the loss of a number of jobs ( LAWR 1983 ) .
17 Keeping your fingers crossed and plunging on is one way of dealing with tricky situations which may gain a reputation for the school that it has firm and strong management but it can have costs in the loss of a number of unhappy families .
18 A LEADING Ulster travel firm has ceased trading with the loss of a number of jobs , it emerged today .
19 it would involve the loss of a number of trees and this would be detrimental to the character of this part of the village .
20 This might be the result of a number of factors , assuming , of course , that urban dwellers are not inherently more devious and criminal than rural dwellers :
21 He insists , rightly , that the way in which technology is used is the result of a number of factors , not least of which is the political process between management and workers .
22 It focuses on systems , such as the family , considering them to be an entity , a whole , rather than merely the result of a number of contributions from independent parts or individuals .
23 Horizontal linkages have been particularly important in Italy , probably more than in any other European country , as a result of a number of factors .
24 Increased capital mobility was a result of a number of factors .
25 This is a result of a number of factors such as the much larger proportion of part-time work , the artificial restriction of female overtime by male-dominated trade unions , and social measures against women at work in general .
26 For instance , are the fast reaction-times of the sleep-deprived subject really as fast as those when they are rested , and is the slightly slower average reaction-time simply the result of a number of isolated lapses ?
27 This will decrease in 1993 , despite production increases in Colombia , as a result of a number of disposals made during the year .
28 Will my hon. Friend quantify the savings to this country as a result of a number of relevant programmes being run by the Government ?
29 As a result of a number of miscarriages , we are scrutinising our system of justice .
30 The growth of venture capital funds in the UK has been substantial in the 1980s and is the result of a number of factors .
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