Example sentences of "[noun] and so [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It is not unfair , then , to see the Webbs and the other early Fabians as they seem to have seen themselves : as philosopher-kings concerned to persuade people of sufficient education and standing to see Socialism through Fabian eyes and so to behold its full beauty .
2 As the political assimilative into which were absorbed the opinions , convictions and energies which would otherwise have been available to impel Owenism and so to maximise its chances of attaining its goal , industrial democracy , the struggle to secure the passage of the Reform Bill demands attention .
3 H. L. A. Hart , who has recently added his voice in support of this kind of analysis , provides the following explanation : ‘ The commander characteristically intends his hearer to take the commander 's will instead of his own as a guide to action and so to take it in place of any deliberation or reasoning of his own : the expression of the commander 's will … is intended to preclude or cut off any independent deliberation by the hearer of the merits pro and con of doing the act . ’
4 During the conquest of the Caribbean the Spaniards trained packs of such dogs to kill Indians and so to wipe out whole villages .
5 The count of Toulouse was present to answer charges of heresy and so to protect himself and his lands against Simon de Montfort .
6 In what ways may it become possible to create greater use of the recreational advantages and so to boost the tourist industry of Northern Ireland ?
7 In their initiation into both the craft and culture of pedagogy , it is in the interests of novice teachers to conform in order to place their relations with pupils and fellow teachers on a secure base and so to get established in their role .
8 These were people who saw local opportunities to improve transport for fuel , raw materials and goods and so to make profits for themselves .
9 When the eight- and ten-year-olds did produce causal connectives , they used them in a way appropriate to the deductive mode , by using because to introduce evidence and so to introduce a conclusion .
10 To clarify the responsibilities of agencies and so to make it easier to hold them to account for their performance .
11 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
12 When England was at war and sentries were posted at both ends of the tunnel , one night , early in the war , German planes droned over and dropped bombs along the railway line possibly aiming to destroy the tunnel and so to cut a supply link to the Channel ports and the British armies in France .
13 If it is accepted , as I argue , that a judge , when sitting in his court , is frequently required to make decisions which involve an assessment of where the public interest lies and so to make a political decision , then he can not be said to act neutrally , although he may still be the person best suited to make that particular decision .
14 Here the object of make is felt to be completely under the sway of the subject and so to have no initiative of its own : the causal agent brings about a change in this object in an immediate fashion without any room for a condition–consequence or stimulus–reaction relationship .
15 The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest .
16 So the label switching in itself constitutes an appropriation and so to have held would have been sufficient for the dismissal of both appeals .
17 Or magically to copy the essence of their being and so to own them within himself ?
18 Other states now plan , despite federal disapproval , to introduce SW transmission and so to broadcast longer distances .
19 Where an applicant voluntarily left accommodation but had then acquired temporary accommodation , the courts interpreted the legislation so as to entitle the local authority to relate back to the first accommodation and so to find that he was intentionally homeless .
20 Skilled teachers of drama give pupils the tools of the trade , encouraging them to become more autonomous in their handling of the dramatic medium and so to take greater responsibility for their own learning .
21 It is the particular genius of British politics that the major parties have always managed to hold on to their respective extremists and so to draw their teeth .
22 The child who 's been burned learns to fear fire and so to treat it with respect .
23 There used to be a long table and the head used to sit at the end of this table and so to see that you did n't leave off working she used to get the table cloth and always be pulling this table straight .
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